1 ~ A long Night

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TW: drowning, suicidal thoughts (kinda), hinted abuse, mentions of bullying, swearing

Water. Drowning. Pain. Georges vision obscured (came unclear) and his sight began to thinnen, his eyes starting to gloss, becoming more blurry by the second. He couldn't breathe. His heart began to race and he felt numb inside. He couldn't breathe. George could sense as the water flooded into his mouth and nose. He was choked, alone, and almost dead. He heard muffled yelling of his name [george] in the distance, but it was too late, he was gone.

Gasping for breath, George awoke from his sleep. He could hear a loud, obnoxious crash coming from the kitchen downstairs. It was nothing special, if anything it was normal for that to happen at around this time each day.

It was practically routine now.

George just lay in bed, silently staring at the ceiling. He couldn't do anything. His bones weak from endlessly being targeted, picked on, and bullied at school. His eyes burning from his lack of sleep at night. He wanted to leave and never return.

He hated himself, the way he looked, the way he talked. He didn't fit in. Nobody talked to him.

He was invisible.

George was a quiet kid, he barely spoke to his dad or his younger and was almost completely muted at school. He was known as the silent depressed kid that nobody liked. He only had one friend irl (sapnap) who he talked to quietly. He knew how to talk... he just chose not to. The pain and memories of his life and personal experiences endlessly swarmed in the back of his mind like an abundance of aggressive wasps that constantly harassed him. They stung him constantly and he didn't dare tell anyone about his feelings, for he knew that that would only make the bullying worse. They made the passing days unbearable and he kept his eyes glued to the floor whilst he walked past people that he was around. He was alone and scared of everyone.

George was unable to go back to sleep after a while so he decided to get up and get ready for the nightmare [day] ahead of him. The morning dwindled before him, time seemed to froze and he was left, ice-cold laying on his bed. He was cold, pissed off and lonely. "Would anyone actually miss me if i left and never returned?" He thought to himself as he stared at the midnight-grey ceiling that was above his head.

Eventually, George got up from his rock-hard, chestnut-brown, wooden bed and glanced at his alarm clock:


*-.*-_ Time skip a few hours of getting ready for school till its about 6:30 am -*._*-

George sighed, he was ready multiple hours before he was "supposed" to. He hated it but he was extremely bored.

Half-heartedly, he wondered towards his PC and pressed the on button. He opened a minecraft tab and launched the game. He had four possible servers that he could play on:


-Dream SMP


-Hermitcraft (he's a guest/ person who fixes bugs)[had to include it sorry]

Before joining anything, he checked who was online on the mini list. There was 3,496 people online on Hypixel, 2,209 on Mineplex, 4 on Dream SMP and 11 on Hermitcraft.
He hovered his mouse over the 4 online the Dream Smp

4 online:

Bored, he double clicked the play button and loaded into the game. George was immediately greeted by multiple welcome messages, "GOGY" "I forgot your name but hello!" "GERORGE VC2" "HI GEORGE I GOT A NEW PET BEE" [double points if you guess which person said each one :]

Tiredly, George typed "Hello" and was bombarded by questions from Tommy, who only knew two questions... Who's your favourite woman? And What's the worst word you know? He didnt reply as it would only encourage Tommy to carry on the conversation, and honestly, the less socialising the better.

Georgenotfound: Hold on I'm trying to fix my mic it broke

That was a lie, his mic worked perfectly and he had a discord tab open but he couldn't be assed to talk to anyone. He cringed at the thought of even talking before collecting wood for his new hobbit home. He'd always been into building on minecraft, it reminded him of his favourite thing to do ever (coding plug-ins for minecraft). To him it was his third favourite thing to do to feel as though he had finally escaped reality; finally escaped the train-wreck of a life he had, after coding and making youtube videos. Nobody in school knew about his channel... they barely knew his name, he was too embarrassed to talk about his hobbies. Haha relatable nobody in my school knows about my channel. Or my name tbh.

He had considered streaming again on twitch (he used to but he burned himself out by doing multiple 12 hour streams) but he was anxious, his anxiety often sky-rocketed through the roof past the stars and got swallowed up in a black hole. At least it felt that way. He was a mess.

WilburSoot: Hey Gogy why dont you stream or you can join my stream you seem bored you never usually volountarity play on this server unless you've been asked to.

Tubbo_: Upvote
TommyInnit: I'm starting stream in 20 minutes just getting set up for lore. Need netherite.

Ranboo: I'm also going to stream
TommyInnit: Copycat
Ranboo: ok

Georgenotfound: Maybe, I'll definitely think about it. I'm going to fix my mic before i make any decisions

Moments later, Tommy began mercilessly killing ranboo to take his stuff and overall just to annoy him.

WilburSoot: Ok George

UGH! George thought, not lore. "I cant act to save my life"' He murmured to himself, "Maybe i should try streaming again, I'm just overwhelmed with school"

George got ready to help out Ranboo, Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo by helping them all mine for netherite. The chat was uneventful, just Tubbo talking about accidentally knocking over a huge, neatly stacked pile of Tredmills at his local shopping centre. [talking from personal experience... the staff still dont know (dont snitch)]

Around 15 minutes later, everyone [other then George] set up to stream and hopped in a vc [other then George]. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't bear to speak to anyone.

Georgenotfound: My mic is still broken I've ordered a new one
WilburSoot: Ok George let me know if you manage to fix it.

Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo and Wilbur streamed for about an hour before each hopping off to go to school.

George had never actually done a face reveal on his channel or twitch, so nobody knew who he was. He knew that he went to the same school as most of the people on the SMP, he was simply too nervous to go up to them. He was just the lonely, picked on kid. Nobody talked or even looked at him.

By now, it was approximately 8:30 and it was almost time for him to leave to walk to school. He exited the server and logged off his pc. Next, he put on his shoes and backpack.

HEYYYYYY I'm not sure about this chapter. Idk I'm just nervous to release it to you people of Wattpad.
I hope your okay and have taken care of yourself, you deserve to be happy :D.

Any feedback appreciated :]
I don't mind if it's positive, negative or constructive.

I lost my voice today I sounded like a frog it was terrible but I like frogs so it's finee

1304 words :)

(April 1st)

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