12 ~ Georgenotfound is live: Hi

902 38 94

Tw- Swearing (just Tommy tho)

His thoughts poisoned his mind as he took a deep breath in, his heart felt heavy as images of his mum flashed in his vision. His eyes became glossy and he began to choke, not realising that he had taken the breath.

He had to fight the pain though, he looked at the sticky note, determined to push the heavy thoughts off his shoulder.

Maybe people do care about me :)

He instantly grinned and quickly replied that he just streamed too much and stopped liking it.

"Can you stream George? Me tommy and whoever else joins will make it fun I promise!" Wilbur spoke softly, receiving a small yep in agreement from tommy.

"Just no R-awn-boo" Tommy warned Wilbur in a joking and sarcastic tone, before adding on "CAN I INTRODUCE YOU TO MY NEW FRIEND GEORGE I MET HIM AT SCHOOL"

"Sure, ill stream. And tommy yes you can introduce me to them but when should i stream?" George hesitantly replied.

PING! George got a discord message from Wilbur,

Stay strong gogs :]

"Right now?!" Tommy switched on his camera and beamed,

"Sure but its not a face reveal tommy" George giggled, watching Tommy's smile visibily fade away.

[I've literally only ever streamed once on twitch and that was in November 2020 soooooo this is memory]

He loaded up twitch and pressed the go live button, before thinking what he should write for the stream title and the description of the notification.

"What should the title be?" George asked the call in which Wilbur had now added Ranboo in to bug tommy.

"How about Minecraft but its been a year since i streamed?" Ranboo said loudly and sassily, while half actually being serious.

While laughing at Ranboos comment, George typed in the title.

"What about the notification?"

"WAIT GOGY CAN I BE IN YOUR STREAM?!" Tommy yelled, making George flinch. Luckily, he didn't have to make an excuse about why he reacted like that to the group.

Anxiously, he clicked the start stream button and played his intro.

It was the same as the dvd one where people anticipated it hitting the corner, but the background was a light blue and the symbol was clout goggles.

The first thing he said in his live was;

"No Tommy you can't be in my stream,"

Of course he said it sarcastically, but he found it funny that for the whole 5 minutes of the starting page, it was just Tommy complaining about George and everyone laughing at him.

Eventually, George swapped over there display screen onto his Minecraft character, admitting that he hadn't streamed for a while, and also that he had no idea what to do.

The crowds of people began flooding in when everyone began to receive the notifications, almost instantly reaching him 250k viewers.

Groggynotfroggy: Holy **** he's streaming again

LucyNotFound: We missed you George!!

Dreamwastaken: Hi

FroseNotFood: What made George decide to stream again?! We stan that person!!

"WILBY- FUCK I MEANT WILBUR! LOOK THROW-SAY-NOT-FOOD IS MY STAN LOOK WILBUR!!" Tommy shrieked, the chat still going crazy about Georges sudden return to Twitch and Wilbur laughing at Tommy's remark.

"Hah, so I'm going to go onto dream SMP now and kill Dream. I don't even know who dream is, yes I'm on the dream SMP but I don't know who dream is. That's besides the point" he laughed, joining the game.

As soon as he loaded into the game, he got a text-to-speech donation, which read:
Drista Block donated £20: Hey gogy gogs Greg can you please describe yourself and how you look for the fanartists thank you <3

"I'm not good with description but I'll sure try!" He giggled, "I have a very chestnutty brown hair that goes all over the place and almost matching brown eyes. AVERAGE height."

"George?" Tubbo asked
"Yeah tubbo?"
"Do you have freckles?"

"I have a few that snake around my cheeks and nose, but not a lot. Anyways, imma stop talking about what I look like for now it feels wierd and stuff."

He continued the stream, collecting wood and answering donations that weren't giving out personal information. Soon though, he began to get fed up of all the personal questions, so he decided to make a comment while he was muted on discord,

"Hey chat can you please stop sending all the private questions? I get your happy I'm here but it gets too much. I might wrap up stream soon though."

Unfortunately for him, Tommy was watching his stream while he was muted and picked up on the uncomfortablility that George was obviously feeling while he streamed.

When he finally undeafoned, Tommy suggested that he could introduce George to his new friend. Apparently they went by the name "Dream", which was a little weird to George, but he just moved on and thought nothing about the guy.

Nervously, he dragged "Dream" into their discord call and waited for something to happen

Maybe a lil bit of dnf soon 🤔🤔🤔


850 words!!

29th May

I get it || dnfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz