24 ~ We used to be happy

610 24 12

Tw- mentions of death, mentions of alcohol

To his embarrassment, he was still lying against Clay, his head resting on the other's chest. He tried to get up but his bones felt weak and tired so he collapsed back down.

His eyes were painful to blink and keep open, and his throat felt coarse and scratchy.


Wilbur found Sapnap whilst running to Clay and George's location. Sapanp figured why he was running so decided to go alongside him. Whilst they were together, Sapnap told Wilbur about how he was just visiting his cousin James and how he found George sat alone in a tree entirely zoned out, and how he'd left to get help but when he returned, George had gone from the spot he was previously in.

They ran for a few minutes before finding the small entrance to the secretive pond.

"I've been here before. When George and I were younger our parents would always take us on days out together here to feed the ducks. But when George's mother... passed, his father turned to an alcoholic, our families stopped coming here and I guess it's been erased by a forest and almost completely forgotten by people on this planet." Sapnap whispered sadly, his voice trailing off slightly as he spoke.

They quietly ran through the small arch to find both Clay and George lay together on one of the rickety, wooden docks which stood in the small pond's water.

Clay way lying down, still awake, messing with George's hair while holding him the best that he could. George was asleep next to clay but had his head resting on clays chest. Tear marks flowed down Georges face like a mote around a stomped-on sandcastle.

Both Saonap and Wilbur dashed over and gathered around the other two - although mainly George. Gogy woke up not long after they got there but it became clear that he couldn't get up from his position.

He was trembling.

[i unironically forgot the plot]

Wilbur and Sapnap helped George to stand up before each reaching out their hands to get clay up.

Clay soon stood up steady and they walked back as a group. Wilbur and sapnap had an arm half wrapped around George just to support him for if he collapsed again, until they had to separate off so they could go get Sapnap's car.


As the two were walking once again, one thing alone buzzed around in his mind. It may be obscure or weird, but nonetheless it was the only thing that he could think of.

James was his cousin, right? As in, James who Clay punched in the nose?

"What's bothering you Wilbur? I can tell somethings on your mind." Sapnap said, almost on queue.

"Yeah, um James. You said he was your cousin, what happened to him?"

"He said some kid fucked up his nose, and that he passed out afterwards while in the bathroom with his friends. The ones that did it sound like dickheads honestly, why do you ask?"

"Oh shit."

"What? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, many things. So you said he got his nose done in?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well..." Wilbur explained everything..

Sapnap was in awe, his cousin is the dickhead not Wilbur and Clay.

They both stopped in their tracks and Sapnap led his friend back inside of the hospital.

I dont know how to feel about this chapter-

572 words

8th September 2021

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