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-Mentions suicidal thoughts

George's POV

I was laying on my bed after sleeping for twelve hours. After my argument with Clay and my parents, I had a bad asthma attack again. Luckily I could go home quickly, but I had two more asthma attacks the days after that.

I knew my life was not going to last long anymore if it continued like this and I sighed softly after laying my phone down again. I wasn't ready to forgive Clay for what he had done and got so sick of it that he called me three times in a row. I thought he would be smart enough to realise I didn't want to talk to him after the first time of ignoring him.

I sat up slowly and sighed as I heard voices speaking downstairs. I recognised the voice, but was too tired to really think of who it was. Instead, I pulled my legs up and grabbed my phone to play a game shortly. I was so tired that I barely got out of bed anymore so I played games to kill time with.

After a minute, I heard footsteps on the stairs. They came closer to my room and someone knocked on it.

'Yes,' I whispered with a weak voice.

My door opened and Sapnap walked in. 'Hi, George. Can we talk for a little?'

'Oh, did Clay send you? Did he talk bad about me to you too? I'm not going back to him.'

'Can I explain to you what happened? He's heartbroken, George.'

'He's not heartbroken. He's probably just crying, but he's always crying. It's not that special.'

'I can guarantee you that he's not only crying.'

'Sure, I don't care anyway.'

'George, shut up and just listen to me,' Sapnap yelled at me. 'I'm sorry for yelling, but listen to me.'

'Fine, but I won't care.'

'That video you were sent is a fake video. I know that's a fake video because I've been friends with him all this time and he told me about this toxic guy. He told me how much he cared about you and he would never say those things about you. I promise you.'

'You're just lying for him.'

'No, I'm not. He has always regretted liking that guy and he definitely didn't say these things about you! He loves you.'

'Why would he regret liking a guy this much then? Because he felt bad after talking shit about me?'

'No, because he thought he loved him but the guy faked everything to get more popular.'

'Then he shouldn't have been some hopeless guy who wants everyone he sees.'

'Dude,' Sapnap said as he rolled his eyes. 'I'm sorry, but you're actually annoying me so much. He was in love with him and he's not hopeless. He liked four people and he's seventeen. That's really normal!'

'I can't trust him. Maybe he had sex with ten guys and girls already and I'm just his next one.'

'He hasn't had sex with anyone, idiot. That's literally just homophobic, you're just scared because he's bisexual, aren't you? A bisexual guy doesn't like every boy and even if he would have done it with someone, what the hell does that have to do with this?'

'He's just dumb.'

'Now shut up and listen to me. He got blackmailed.'

'Okay so? He got blackmailed with the video of him talking shit about me.'

Sapnap sighed, his breath sounded shaky because of anger.

'He had a surprise for you and that guy knew.'

'Stop about that stupid surprise, I don't want it and you're guilt tripping me.'

'You're just not even trying to listen. It's fine, do whatever you want. Let him go and realise he wasn't lying to you in a month. Clay wouldn't want to see you as his friend anymore in a month's time and then you realise what an amazing guy you let go.'

'Amazing, sure,' I said with a sarcastic laugh.

'Amazing yeah, he's the greatest guy I know.'

'Why aren't you just dating him? You seem to find him amazing and Clay likes everyone anyway.'

'I'm not dating him because I'm not in love with him and because he's not in love with me either.'

'Well, and I'm not his friend because I don't care about him. Fair, right?'


'Guilt tripping again, nice. He's probably just laying on his bed while touching himself since he's a horny idiot who only wants sex.'

'You're crazy, oh my goodness. You don't know him at all. I don't even want Clay to get back to you anymore. I'm leaving before I say or do things I regret, but just know that he's heartbroken and had a surprise that would make everything better, but that's too bad then. If you don't listen, that's on you.'

'He's not heartbroken.'

'You don't even want to know how bad he's feeling. I'm not going to tell you what's going on, but maybe think for yourself a bit better.'

'He shouldn't complain. He's just crying a bit and I'm almost dying every day.'

Sapnap seemed to bite the inside of his cheek and had a tear roll down his face. 'I wish he was just crying,' he whispered with a voice crack. Another tear streamed down his face and he sighed softly. 'I don't even know if he's still alive when I'm going back.'

'What do you mean?'

'What does it matter?' Sapnap muttered. 'You don't want to listen anyway. He has such a good heart that he's probably coming in a bit to still give you his surprise and after that I'm forbidding him to ever see you again. You don't listen to me at all and also not to Clay.'

'But the video,' I mumbled. 'I heard it myself.'

'IT'S AN EDITED VIDEO,' Sapnap screamed at me. 'A FAKE ONE.'

I stared at my hands and Sapnap was shaking because of anger.

'I know Clay and I know he would NEVER do this to someone. If he would go so low that he would, I wouldn't just come all the way to your place to defend him. I would forgive him, but I wouldn't lie for him.'

I didn't know what to say and Sapnap looked at me with the saddest face I had ever seen him have.

'That guy blackmailed him so he wouldn't surprise you. He loves you so much that he chose for him to send that video to everyone so he could still surprise you. You didn't even let him speak, you didn't even let him show his surprise to you. You broke him so much that he doesn't know how to deal with his pain anymore.'

Sapnap paused and turned to the door. 'If he commits suicide, I'm the next one.'

1098 words

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