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Clay's POV

After George's text, I ran downstairs to my parents.

'Please, someone drive me to the hospital. George had a really bad asthma attack and he said goodbye to me over text. Please.'

I had tears roll down my cheeks. 'Please.'

My dad stood up and nodded. 'Come,' he said, grabbing his coat. I ran behind him to the car and sat down, resting my head in my hands with tears rolling down my face.

I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through George's and my messages. I only had to cry harder and sobbed loudly as I opened Sapnap's and my chat.

George had a very bad asthma attack and he said goodbye to me. I can't deal with this pain anymore.

I'll come to the hospital if that's okay?


My dad looked at me and smiled shortly. 'Do you want to talk?'

I hitched a breath and felt tears drop down on my shirt. I grabbed a napkin from my pocket and blew my nose as I squeezed my hands.

'I'm so hurt,' I whispered. 'I know I never told you about it, but I've had two relationships and two boys I really loved and three of them hurt me so badly. Now I'm finally trusting someone again and I didn't plan on that at all and now he's dying. I guess it's better for me to be alone forever.'

My dad grabbed my hand while focusing on the road and I tried to wipe my tears away, but they came back with the same speed.

'What did they do to you, honey?'

'One of the guys I really liked forced me to come out when I wasn't ready. My ex-girlfriend cheated on me and used me to get popular and my other crush on a boy talked bad behind my back and also used me to get more popular, but it doesn't even matter to me anymore. I only care about George and Sap.'

'He's in good hands, Clay.'

'I'm sorry for being bisexual. I'm sorry for not being the son you wished I was, I'm sorry for disappointing you.'

'Stop saying that, you haven't disappointed us. We love you just as much as we always did before, it just startled us because we didn't expect you to like boys. You always talked about girls and whatever, we just didn't expect it.'

I sighed softly. 'I've always had Sapnap, but I never trusted anyone else next to him. Now I finally have someone else who isn't using me, but he might pass away. What if the event isn't going to raise enough money?'

'Then I'll donate half of the money we have,' my dad said. 'And I mean it. I will do everything to save him. He's so young and he wants to live. On top of that, he's your friend and you love him. He's not going to die, Clay. I'm doing everything I can.'

I smiled. 'Thank you so much,' I whispered.

'There's no need to thank me for doing a moral thing.'

I sat back and wiped my tears away again, blowing my nose. My dad sped up and quickly drove to the hospital. Once I got there I went to the same waiting room as last time and saw his parents sit down. They looked at me and my dad and smiled.

My dad shook both their hands and they started talking about George after they told me George was currently getting treated. I was impatiently waiting for Sapnap and a nurse to tell me George was okay and constantly walked around in the room while our parents talked.

Ten minutes later Sapnap came in and without saying much, I fell into his arms. He held me tightly and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. 'It's going to be okay,' he whispered.

I started crying again and Sapnap sat down, pulling me into his arms.

'I'm so sad,' I whispered. 'I miss him so much.'

'I understand, Clay. I actually do, it must hurt so much to go through all of this.'

I was held by Sapnap until a nurse walked in. I immediately stood up and looked at her.

'Is he okay?'

'He is awake again,' she smiled. 'He asked for Clay, is he here?'

'I'm Clay,' I said. 'Can I see him?'

'You can, but be quiet. His parents can come after that, but he wanted to speak to Clay alone.'

George's dad frowned, but his mother nodded. 'Okay,' she said with a smile.

I got led to a room and the door got opened. I walked in and the nurse left us alone.

'Clay,' George whispered. His face was paler than ever before and he reached out to grab my hand, tapping his bed after that.

I understood that he wanted me to lay down with him and I did, hugging him tightly. 'Are you okay?' I asked him, kissing his forehead softly.

He nodded softly and rested his head on my chest. I kissed his hair since he smiled after I kissed his forehead. I just wanted to see him smile and he lifted his head up to look at me.

His lips curled into a smile and he tried to lift himself up but was too weak to. I lifted him up and opened my arms carefully, leaning in to give him a tight but short hug. He was too weak to sit up for too long so I gently laid him back down.

I couldn't wait for the event to be over. I couldn't wait to surprise him with thousands of dollars with the message he was able to get the right treatment. The treatment that was hopefully going to save his life.

George was smiling, pulling me closer again for another tight hug. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, covered his face with kisses after that to tease him and to see him smile. 'I love you so much, George,' I whispered. 'I really want to see you smile.'

'I love you too,' he whispered with a very vulnerable voice.

I only wanted to protect him and held him tightly. 'I'll never let go.'

1042 words

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