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-None, I think

Clay's POV

George was taken to another room where they intubated him while giving him medication so he would calm down again. He was currently asleep and I was sitting with his mother in the hospital. I texted Sapnap and he was startled really badly, telling me he would come to visit George as fast as possible.

Meanwhile, George's mother was calling her husband and I silently listened to the voices.

'He's in the hospital, a boy in his class had to perform CPR on him, Hendrik. We need to do something, because he will die someday. Can you imagine how bad of a pain he's going through? He feels like dying every time.'

I could slightly hear his dad's voice and heard him scream.

'I don't know what to do, we've tried different medications already and it's not that our last house gave us that much money. I don't know anymore, Juliet. We can't help him.'

'We can't give up our son, I'm sure we can help him in some way. I'll ask someone to watch over him all day and then I'll go to work too. We need to save him.'

'I'm almost burnt out from working this much. We can't save him. Don't you get it? We just don't have anything anymore. I'm lost, I can't do anything for him anymore.'

'But-,' his mother whispered with tears in her eyes. One of them dropped down on her hand and she sniffed softly. 'He's our son, I love him.'

'Then find someone else, I can't do this anymore. Bye.'

He seemed to hang up and George's mother laid her phone down.

'I'm so sorry to ask, but are you okay?' I asked her. She looked up slowly and wiped her tears away.

'I love my son to death, but I'm nowhere without my husband. If he's leaving me, I don't have anything anymore. I can't save my own son, however much I want to. His health is decreasing a lot and I'm afraid he will die.'

'I'm sorry, that's terrible,' I whispered. I was deep in thought as I suddenly had an idea.

I was going to organise something to get money for George. Just some sort of charity. I didn't have enough to help them out either, but if everyone helped, maybe we would get such a great amount of money so they could pay for another treatment for him.

I got so excited that I stood up to walk closer to his mother. 'I have an idea,' I said with a smile. 'Our school is pretty big, I have a football team. I'm going to organise something where people can raise money for George.'

Her head lifted up. 'What do you have in mind?'

'I can let people walk a certain amount of kilometres for money, I can get people to do a lot of chores for people in the neighbourhood. I can ask some other people if they know anyone who can donate or help. Maybe I can get it so far that we get on the news and other people donate too.'

'Are you serious?' his mother whispered. 'That would be the greatest thing someone has ever done for us.'

'I don't even care anymore and I'm just going to donate all my money that I have. I want to do everything to make him happy. I want to do everything I can for him. I wasn't supposed to say this, but I say things before I think.'

His mother could only smile and stood up to give me a tight hug. 'You're a great person, Clay. You're amazing.'

I smiled and grabbed my phone. 'I have so many ideas in mind. I'm an insecure idiot, but I'm going to ask the principal if I can get a microphone and everyone together in the public room so they can all hear about it.'

I grabbed my phone and texted multiple people I knew, my parents and sister and kept going until no one was left. Then I went to my notes app to write a text about what I could say.

'Are you actually serious, Clay?' his mother asked again.

'I am, I'm going to do everything in my power to get George to live again. He doesn't have a life when he's in an ambulance at least once every week.'

'Clay, I was so hopeless. You're saving us.'

I just smiled and kept going until a nurse came in. 'He's awake, but isn't speaking and he's really tired. He needs to rest for the upcoming days to weeks since he's actually completely exhausted. His health is also decreasing a lot, every time he gets here his oxygen level gets lower and lower.'

'I'm raising money for him,' I said with a smile. 'I'm doing everything I can to raise as much as possible so George can live again.'

She smiled. 'That's great. You can come in, but be quiet.'

I nodded and put my phone away as we walked in. His mother smiled at me with tears rolling down her face. 'You saved my son with CPR and now you're trying to save him like this. You don't even know how much this means to me,' she said before entering the room.

'I don't think anyone would have done much different for their friend.'

We walked into the room and George was laying on the bed with his eyes closed and an extremely pale face. He was still wearing an oxygen mask and slowly opened his eyes when we came in.

His eyes immediately shut again and I sat down next to his bed while his mother sat on the other side. He looked at her shortly then at me, but closed his eyes again after reaching out to grab my hand.

My face filled with a smile as he grabbed my hand and I put my chair closer to his bed, rubbing my thumb on the top of his hand.

'T-t-thank y-you,' George whispered, struggling to talk a lot. He hitched a breath after and I smiled.

'I would do it again without any doubt,' I said. I got a little bit of courage and grabbed his hand to press a short kiss on it. 'I would do it a hundred times if it saved you.'

1061 words

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