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-Asthma attack

George's POV

I was nervously packing a bag after school to go to Clay's place. Firstly I thought I would be going with Sapnap and Clay, but Sapnap told us it was better if he was going to ask more people if they wanted to fill out a survey once it was done. Clay and I were going to think of some questions so it was done as fast as possible.

I grabbed my inhaler and my emergency plan to make sure he knew what to do when I had an asthma attacks and walked downstairs to my mother. I had no idea where Clay's house was so my mother brought me since I couldn't cycle either.

My mother had a smile on her face as we walked to the car. I sat down in it and my mum grinned. 'So? You're going to tell me what's up now, don't you think?'

I giggled. 'I'm just going to Clay's place for a project.'

'Clay, that guy who helped you last time?'

'Yes,' I muttered with a smile.

'Are you friends?'

I shrugged. 'I don't think so, but maybe we are? I don't know what he sees me as honestly.'

'Can you invite him to our place for the project someday too?' she asked happily.

'We need a computer,' I mumbled.

'Oh, yes. I'm sorry. Does he have a laptop?'

I nodded. 'I think he does.'

'Maybe he can bring it?' my mother said with a smile. I knew she was trying to cheer me up after accidentally reminding me of our poor state.

'Would he be embarrassed to come to my place? I bet he lives in a big house and we have just an apartment.'

'Have you explained him why?'

I shook my head. 'We haven't talked about that much personal things. We just talked about the project.'

'I don't think it's weird to explain it to him, but you don't have to, honey.'

I nodded and sat back, looking outside of the window while we drove to Clay's place. My mother was listening to the radio and singing along to a song while I just stared a bit. I was nervous to see Clay. What if I shut down and didn't know what to say?

'It's here,' my mother said as she stopped driving in a small street. 'That house.'

'It's not that big,' I muttered. 'It's just a pretty normal house.'

'He will never find it weird if you live in an apartment. Now, good luck with the project, honey,' my mother said as I stepped out of the car.

I sighed softly and wiped my hands off on my trousers. I dressed up in black trousers and my favourite shirt so I would make a good first impression on his parents if they were home.

I slowly rang the bell and breathed out as long as I could to stay calm. It took a minute and then the door opened, seeing Clay stand in front of me.

'Hi,' I muttered.

'Hey, come in,' he said, smiling slightly. I smiled back and walked in, seeing him point to the living room. 'That's my mother.'

'Oh hi!' she said as she stood up. 'Are you George?'

'Yes,' I said with a smile. I shook her hand and she had a smile on her face.

'Clay's dad is at work, but he'll come back soon too. His little brother is asleep and his sister is in her room.'

I nodded and Clay walked up to me again.

'Uh, a drink?' He looked at me with a sweet smile on his face.

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