"Colonel are you listening to me?" Beckett asked a little sharply.

John jerked and turned a guilty expression back to the doc. "Sorry doc."

"I thought not," Carson huffed. "I was saying that we are just waiting on the initial bloodwork. If it's all clear I'll release to sleep in your own quarters tonight while we wait on the rest. You could use some good rest."

"Whatever you say doc," John said flippantly. He didn't necessarily agree with the doctors assertion that he needed rest. Since the Wraith did...whatever he did, John felt almost jittery with unspent energy. He felt better than he had in years.

"Well that doesn't sound like the world's worst patient," Elizabeth called, flashing a pleased smile as she came into the room.

John looked up. "Who me?" He asked.

Carson huffed beside him. "Yes, you."

"It's good to see you looking like yourself," Elizabeth said. She took a moment to study his features, looking for any additional lines or grey hairs.

"Yep, good as new thanks to my wraith buddy," John said flippantly.

"Carson, do we know how he was able to do that? Or any long term effects?" Elizabeth pushed.

"Not yet," Carson said. "I don't even have the preliminary results yet."

"Of course," Elizabeth said. She turned back to John. "How are you feeling?"

"Right as rain," John said a little impatiently. He didn't want to be sitting here anymore. He needed to check on Kai.

"Well, once you are back, you and I have a few things to discuss," Elizabeth said. "The first being your order that we leave you there, and the second being-"

John felt a sudden spike of pain in his chest. He reached up grabbing at it, jerking in surprise. "Kai," he gasped her name before he could stop himself.

"Colonel!" Carson called moving to his side.


John blinked as the pain vanished as quickly as it had come, but an emptiness filled it's place. It was an emptiness he knew all too well, but it didn't mean it hurt any less than the pain had. Kai had closed the Bond.

John immediately began pulling the monitors off his body.

"Colonel stop, we need to know what happened," Carson said quickly.

"I already do doc, I was there. I need to go," John said. He reached over to the side table and grabbed his shirt, shrugging it on. "You'll have to run the rest of your tests tomorrow."

"John," Elizabeth said sharply.

John glanced at her but didn't stop. He bent down and began lacing up his shoes.

"It was Kai, wasn't it?" Elizabeth pressed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What is going on between Kai and I isn't your business," John growled reaching for his other boot.

"It is when she announced to the entire gate room that you two are Bonded," Elizabeth snapped impatiently.

John froze with a frown. "Kai did what?" He asked in surprise. Kai was normally so private. It seemed out of character.

"It wasn't like that," Beckett filled in quickly. "She was upset."

"That doesn't excuse it or any of her behavior while you were away," Elizabeth said.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now