My heart was pounding in my chest as I quickly and quietly made my way to the bathroom door. When I opened it I heard little sniffles cutting through the sickening silence. I walked in and saw that the lights were off.

"Niall?" I whispered, hoping I wasn't talking to the crazy person that had a gun. It took a few of my pounding heart beats before I got an answer.

"Zayn?" I heard the sweetest little voice asked me. I let out a quiet sob and got on the floor to start finding my way through the dark to my boy. I heard him sniffle a few times, helping me find him easier.

My fingers brushed over the the tip of his shoe, so I gently reached out and navigated my hands over him until I pulled him into my arms. It felt like the second he was in my arms, my heart beat again and I felt like I was a whole person.

I kissed wherever my lips landed on his head as his arms wrapped tightly around me and small cries left his mouth. I rubbed his back and tried to calm him down.

"There was loud noises, Zayn." He whimpered as his cries stopped. I kissed his hair again and rocked him back and forth. There were a few more gun shots in the hallway away from us, causing Niall to shake. I knew we couldn't stay here because this bathroom didn't have a lock in it, where a classroom did. I decided if I could make it through the hallway once, I could do it again. I needed Niall safe more than anything and this bathroom wasn't safe.

I stood up with the small boy in my arms and slowly made my way to the small light being given off from under the door. Once we got there I set him down, then looked out to see if I saw anything. It was just an empty hallway, so I took Niall's hand in mine and pulled him out of the bathroom.

Immediately I pushed him to the wall, stomach and chest first, and pressed my back against his with my arms out like I was trying to shield my boyfriend. I nudged Niall to start moving and he listened as I looked around for the crazy man.

The hall stayed empty the whole way to the corner. I stopped Niall and looked down the hall we were in before I turned my head to peak over the corner of the wall. That was the worst decision ever...

Niall's POV

When Zayn looked around the corner, he moved back really fast then started pulling me down the hall. I just followed what he did because he's Zayn and knows all the good things to do. I was in front of him and he was running behind me as fast as he could, but pushing me to go faster. But, when I heard that loud banging noise and Zayn scream I stopped running. Zayn picked me up and kept running, but more of those loud noises came and Zayn kept sounding like he got hurt.

The last sound, Zayn fell down on top of me and just laid there. I felt some hot stuff getting on my tummy through my shirt, but when I was about to move Zayn whispered really quite in my ear.

"Close your eyes and don't move, like when you sleep." I listened to him and closed my eyes, still feeling hot wet stuff getting on me. I heard footsteps, then they stopped right next to me and Zayn. I wanted to see who it was, but I knew I had to listen to Zayn and look like I'm sleeping so I did. I heard a clicking sound and felt really scared for some reason. Zyan must have felt scared too because he held me tight with his hands.

There wasn't a load sound after the clicking, but I felt like someone was looking at me. I kept my eyes closed, even if I wanted to open them. Felt Zayn get pulled off of me, then I held my breath. Zayn told me not to move and I know I move when I breath so I'll hold my breath. With my eyes still closed I heard a fast shuffled beside me, then that loud bang go off. I opened my eyes and looked at Zayn, who had red stuff all over him, but he pushed the bad man to the floor.

"Niall, run to class!" He yelled at me, but I knew he wasn't angry. He was trying to get me to get up and move. I stood up and watched as Zayn tried to get some type of black object from the bad man. Zayn looked like he was a superhero or prince charming because he was fighting and telling me to run.

My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now