"Niall, you make me so happy. No one makes me that happy but you." I told him, pulling away from the kiss that I wanted, no, needed more of. A smile came across his lips as he leaned up and kissed me, then went back to where he was looking at me.

"Not even Liam?" He asked me with a hint of surprise to his voice. I smiled and shook my head.

"Not even Liam, just you. I love you." The last words slipped off my tongue without a second thought, but once they were out, I felt terrified that I was going to get hurt again. That Niall wasn't going to love me, and I just put my heart out there to be crushed.

"Even if I'm stupid?" Niall asked me in wonder to the words I just told him. I couldn't find my voice because of the fear is as going though so I just shook my head and kissed him. He kissed me back, then surprised me by gently licking my top lip. I pulled back and saw him blushing like crazy.

"I wanted to kiss you like we did that one time. I missed your kisses and I want to make Zayn happy." He explained to me like he was about to get in trouble. I smiled lightly and began to kiss him slowly, gradually licking his lips and asked him form entrance.

Niall's lips parted for me and I slowly started to taste every bit of his mouth. I loved the way his tongue would blindly rub mind every once in a while. It was probably the best thing I would ever feel from the sweet boy.

Niall broke the kiss for a minute so he could get untangled from the mess of blankets he was in, then he slid on top of me with either leg straddling me. I know he didn't know what he was doing, but that made me feel super turned on that he just naturally does this.

Niall leaned in to kiss me again, but this time I made it allot hotter because I just needed to know he's still mine and he doesn't hate me like I thought he did. I felt myself getting a bit aroused by feeling Niall so innocently on top of me, as well as feeling him get the hang of what snogging actually is. He was very good at it for just beginning. That, or in my mind he was good at anything because I loved him more than I needed air.

Abruptly, the kiss stopped and Niall moved off my lap to curl his legs up to his chest. I looked at him, hoping everything we just did was fine, but when I saw tears dripping out of his blue eyes, I knew I had messed up somewhere. I placed my hand in his knee and rubbed small circles over it, but that made him close his eyes and shake his head at me.

"Don't touch me, Zyan!" He yelled and groaned when he pulled his legs tighter to his chest. I knew it was nothing that I did wrong, it was just Niall being a boy that had needs. I climbed off his bed, fixed my own bulge problem, then picked the little ball of Niall up to take him to my room.

"No! Put me down! It gets worse when you touch me!" He cried, but still buried his head into my neck. I quieted him with some kisses on his forehead, then left his room to my room. I wasn't sure of how far things would go, I just wanted to show him he was the most beautiful thing in the world and that I loved him. He's my first love, and in all honesty I want him to be my last as well. But, I'm not sure if he feels the same towards me, I can only hope and maybe persuade his heart.

After we walked into my room, I set him gently on my bed, then climbed on top of his small body. I kissed his lips once deeply and meaningfully, then made my next move by carefully pressing my hips down to meet his. A squeak left Niall's lips, then a strong sigh as there was some sort of touch on his hard member.

"Niall likes that." He mumbled out, going into his own world for a minute, then coming back when he whimpered at me. I knew he wanted more, so I rolled my hips once to show him that's what I was doing. He looked up at me and nodded his head like he was approving my actions. I continued to do that until I was too over heated in my clothes to continue and I wanted more than just this.

My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now