Bad Batch Halloween

Start from the beginning

"'Mega, let's just turn it off. It isn't a good movie. Not just for your mental state, but in general." He says, looking down at her trembling body.

"No!" She argues. "I want to finish the movie. I want to say that I've watched a full scary movie from start to finish."

"You aren't even watching, you're hiding under the covers," Tech says, shaking his head at her. "Not that I blame you. The acting and props in this movie are terrible. Anyone with basic knowledge of biology knows that's not what Wookies sound like or what twi'lek organs look like." He mutters before tossing a few pieces of popcorn into his mouth.

She doesn't reply, still remaining under the blankets. It doesn't matter that the props don't look real. It's the thought that scares her. This movie is fake, but what if there really are Wookies out there who have been put under a spell and now roam the galaxy, killing everybody they come into contact with?

The idea of it makes her never want to leave the Marauder.

"Omega, I won't tell anyone if you want to turn it off." Tech quietly encourages, gently touching her back. "If anyone asks, we watched the entire thing. No hiding or breaks. It didn't scare you in the slightest."

She peeks out, her brown eyes wide. "Promise?"

He smiles. "I promise."

"Okay. Let's turn it off then. We can watch it when I'm older." She says, making him lightly laugh. They both decide it's best to get ready for bed, even though Wrecker and Echo aren't back yet. Crosshair and Hunter are sound asleep, their light snores letting Omega know that they're alive and not possessed by Dathomir witches.

As she lays in her bed, she can't help but think about the horrifying scenes from the movie. Though they looked pretty bad on screen, for some reason she's remembering them with a lot more detail. Even though the ship is not empty in the slightest, she still feels so alone and vulnerable.

She bravely peeks her head out, unsure what to do. She wants to talk to Hunter, but she doesn't want to disturb him. Crosshair is only a few steps away, but she doesn't think going to him would be a good idea. He isn't exactly the best person to wake up in the middle of the night. He won't complain in the moment, but he'll be short with everyone tomorrow.

Instead, she decides on Tech. He'll understand why she's scared without needing her to explain it.

"Tech?" Omega whispers, gently poking his side. He sleepily opens one of his eyes. "Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Tech is slightly taken back. Usually, she goes to Hunter or Wrecker, and on an odd occasion, Echo. Never has she sought him out after having a nightmare.

It must be because of the movie.

"Alright." He agrees, shuffling over so that she can slide in beside him.

"Actually, would it be okay if I slept by the wall?"

Her request brings a small smile to his face. "Yeah, that's fine." He agrees, moving so that he's on the edge of the bed.

As gently as she can, she crawls over him, placing herself between the wall and him. Though it's a little tighter than she thought it would be, she finds that it's very comforting. The blankets are soft from the little use they receive since he typically passes out everywhere but his bed.

"Goodnight, Tech." She whispers, closing her eyes as she cuddles deep in the blankets. She already feels so much more protected with him beside her.

"Goodnight, 'Mega."


The next morning, no one says anything. Wrecker asks if she liked the movie, which Tech quickly dives into how horrible the props were. Omega joins in with laughs, thinking about how ridiculous it really was.

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