social media

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You nodded profusely almost to convince yourself. You two called up an elevator waited. You both entered the small box cramming next to each other. As you reached to hit the button he reached out too and you ended up pushing your hands together and clicking the wrong floor.

Ah... He sighed.
You both moved your hands away. Reaching for it again you clicked your floor.

He checked his phone waiting for the floor and finding your newest post.


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Wow, he said at stretching the ow.
Huh, you asked obliviously.
That's a lot of attention for your account he turned his screen to face you.
Wow, you said almost mimicking the way he said it earlier.
Just because of my gorgeous face!
He exclaimed as the doors dinged signalling it was their floor.

You both exited the elevator still shocked by the post. You unlocked the door to your apartment and walked to your room.

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