Chapter 118: Hard Pills to Swallow

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"We should take a break." Elrond said.

Bynsarda spoke up quickly. "No. To try and begin this part again I do not think I could."

Elrond nodded gently.

"I began to understand some of their words. I have always been quick to pick up on languages yet I have only Mastered a few. What I did learn in my time there was that he has Balrogs. Several of them." Bynsarda said softly.

"There were only seven to begin with and I slew the last of them." Gandalf said in shock.

"No wizard. I am telling you there are Balrogs. Though I do not know how many." She said with certainty. "There is also a dragon. At least one though I am not sure. "

Elrond and Gandalf found it curious that Glorfindel did not look shocked by the news of the Balrogs.

Tauriel rose then and excused herself. This news was a bit much for her on a personal level. "Please stay Jeven I just need a moment." She said before wandering off into the darkness.

Bynsarda watched Tauriel go. Gandalf explained. "Her father was grievously injured when he slew a dragon. If not for Elrond he would have perished."

Bynsarda nodded gently. "I know this news I am bringing you will be hard to hear but you must know."

They all agreed.

She then continued. "After sometime Drannor was summoned to his Masters home. I was given to him as a means to to lure Minol and Minogos to him. Which obviously worked. Drannor however was mostly kind to me and only unkind when he had to be. "

Minogos gently interrupted her. "Please allow me to explain this part." She nodded.

Minogos then looked to them all Tauriel was making her return and she settled beside Jeven. "Drannor told me that He and my Father were working together. In much the same way my father had played this great evil. They call it a game. Where they walk a very fine line and in Drannor's case the line is even more fine. As you know he was forced to bond with... Him." he spat the word him out. "As you can imagine bonding in that way does not mean undying love and devotion. It makes you even more of a slave to them. He is not truly our enemy though he will have to act in that capacity to a point."

"That's right." Bynsarda cut in. "There are men. Upwards of 100,000 of them. Eagerly pledging themselves to this darkness. I witnessed their leaders doing so. This is the part the King needs to know. Among his human people there is a spy. This spy has a way of allowing the darkness to see and hear. "

Gandalf and Elrond rose at the same time and looked on her with wide eyes. "Do you know how this is so?" Gandalf asked.

Bynsarda shook her head. "I do not. ."

Glorindel's eyes locked on Elrond's. "A palantir." He said lowly. Elrond nodded.

"What's a palantir?" Jeven asked.

Glorfindel looked to him and sighed. "A seeing stone. They were created long ago and used for good. Placed great distances apart. They were used to communicate. However, they were lost over time and have fallen into the hands of evil."

"Indeed and we have only recovered 3 of them." Elrond said gravely.

Gandalf began to mutter to himself and pace. "This means there are at least 2 in his possession."

Elrond sighed. "That leaves 2 others unaccounted for. We must assume he has those as well."

"Gandalf." Bynsarda said softly. "There is a number counted among Drannor's people that are truly loyal to him and his cause. They will change sides when the time is right. The King must know this too. When one named Grah means to treat he can be trusted."

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