[chapter six] new york, new york

Start from the beginning

They could escape me on the weekend, ignore me on Saturday and Sunday. But it was Monday morning and we were all at school, they couldn't run for long.

With a scowl, I snatched my bag out from under my desk and quickly flew out of the art classroom, frantically trying to get to the boys lacrosse practice. I needed to watch him, to see just how bad the situation was.

A smirk curled on my lips as my eyes locked onto the back of Stiles head. The asshole was avoiding me and I was in the mood to deliver karma. Quickly and slyly, I tip toed over towards him before I suddenly threw my arms around the back of his body.

"BOO!" I screamed, making the boy shriek in surprise as laughter tumbled past my lips.

"Never do that again." He hissed through clenched teeth as he threw my body off of his with a roll of his eyes.

"It's been three days since the party, Stiles. What's going on? What are you hiding?" I demanded.

"Me?" He shrieked. "Uh, hiding? No- no I am not-"

"Did you manage to talk to Scotty?" I interrupted whist plopping onto the bench beside him, diving straight into the depth of the problem at hand.

"He freaked out and wouldn't listen to me at first.But after Friday, I think he finally believes me now. I didn't mention you- or your family."

I knew he wouldn't mention my secret- he was good like that. He would happily take the label of being called crazy if it meant I got the chance to tell Scott myself.

Scott didn't fully believe- that much was apparent.

As Stiles shot off onto the field, I watched the practice play out with a hint of a frown on my face. Getting drunk was wreckless and stupid, once again I had let the wrong side of me take control. It couldn't happen again- I wouldn't let it. I had to give Scott my full undivided attention, it was the only way I would be able to help him.

As the game continued, Scott and Jackson were at each other's throats until Scott was suddenly shoved onto his back, bringing a wince from my lips. Coach began taunting Scott, getting in his face and muttering words so foul anyone with a set of eyes could see the rage in Scotts eyes.

"Fuck." I muttered I watched a faint yellow shimmer in the boys eyes.

I could feel the colour on my face drain as I watched the horror play out in front of me. Danny on the floor, wailing in pain. Scott clutching his own head. Gasps and screams the air. It had all gone to hell.

In a matter of seconds, I was off the bench and dragging a raging Scott towards the locker rooms. Using all of my physical and magical strength to drag the boy.

"What do we do?" Stiles hissed at me with wide panicked eyes.

"Towards the showers-"

"NO!" Scott growled whilst ripped his arms out of my grip and shoving me across the room, sending me flying into the lockers.


"Fuck me." I choked out with a wince as I forced my aching body off of the ground.

"Aires." Stiles whispered whilst snatching my hand and dragging me around the corner.

I watched Scott chase us as the boy mindlessly dragged me around the room. Scott on the lockers, us on the floor. It was like watching a cat chase mice.

Though what he didn't know was I wasn't a mouse in his game, and I wasn't the prey- I was the cloaked monster.

"Run." I hissed to Stiles before shoving him out of the room and turning to face Scott with a small shake of my head.

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