What is this place!?

Start from the beginning

Dresden: Wer zur Hölle sind? (Who the hell are they?)

He wasnt sure if they were enemies, he decided to contact them to make sure if they were enemies, although they didnt look too friendly.

Dresden: *radio* Unknown warships, this is Bundesmarine ship FGS Dresden, identify yourself.

No answer.

Dresden: *radio* Unknown warships, this is Bundesmarine ship FGS Dresden, identify yourself.

Again no answer, why werent they answering?

Dresden: *radio* Unknown warships, identify yourselves!

Why the hell werent they answering?

Dresden: Dann werde ich halt einen Warnschu- (Then I just will fire a warning sho-)

*Laser firing*

*Water splashing*

Dresden: Heilige Scheiße! (Holy shit!)

He ducked out of reflex as the laser missed his ship by a few meters, he immediately stood up again and looked at the hostile warships.

Dresden: Scheiße, ich muss meine Naval Strike Missiles auf die abfeuern, aber wie soll ich nu- (Shit, I need to fire my Naval Strike Missiles, but how am I supposed to-)



Dresden: Was!? (What!?)

He watched as the two Harpoon missiles were launched from his ship and flew towards the hostile ships. On impact they detonated and exploded, both of the ships stopped moving as they were hit in a critical spot, but it seemed like theycared little about that as they started firing with their remaining weapons again.

Dresden: Marinegeschütz! (Naval gun!)

As expected, the 127/64 Lightweight dualpurpose cannon opened fire at the hostile ships, finishing them off, the right one exploded as a shell hit its ammunition storage.

Dresden sighed in relief as the last enemy ship blew up, that engagement was at a little too close range for him. Something that confused him was that he just needed to think or speak to use his ships weaponry, how was that even possible!? That literally makes no sense!

It didnt matter, maybe there was an explanation for this?

But there was something about the hostile ships that seemed off, the laser they had fired seemed very similar to the one that destroyed him, could it be?

Dresden: Warte mal, könnten diese Schiffe zu dieser merkwürdigen Person gehören die mich zerstört hat... sind das etwa... Aliens!? (Wait a minute, could these ships belong to this weird person that destroyed me... are they... aliens?!)

How in the world did that happen!? He was reincarnated as a human, in a place he doesnt know, with aliens. Was he even on Earth!?

His thoughts were interrupted as his radar started beeping, having detected what seemed to be multiple ships coming from the east and- another group came from the west!?

Dresden: Scheiße! (Shit!)

He was basically surrounded, with very slim chances of escaping and no allies that could help him.

Dresden: (thoughts) Was soll ich bloß machen!? Was zur Hölle soll ich bloß machen!? Denk nach Dresden, denk nach! (What should I do!? What the hell should I do!? Think Dresden, think!)

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