Chapter 18: Small Piece of a Big Game

Start from the beginning

On the door of another carriage is a symbol that is similar to the golden trimmed horse symbol Nesosa has on her shield, but it has a few distinct differences. The horse of this symbol has wings. Instead of running, the horse is standing with its head down and is outlined in silver instead of gold.

Nesosa sees the symbol and her eyes narrow into a look of resentment.

They can all tell that Nesosa is already in a bad mood because she was forced to wear pants. Not only pants, but a whole fancy getup just for the occasion. She's wearing a brown one-piece that wraps around her torso and chest, displaying her curves proudly. Over it is a green vest with long coattails and gold trimming, and draped over her shoulders are green silk sashes that hang low.

Despite looking sexy as hell, she remains pissed. Whatever this symbol is clearly isn't helping.

Then Lavern is understandably unhappy about this whole situation. It's clear that he is only here for their business with getting the fragment, not his so-called 'family'. He didn't even change his clothes, just took off the leather armor pieces and cloak that covered his white button-up shirt. He even kept his daggers with him.

Naomi admittedly feels a little bad. It sucks that he has no choice but to put up with this for their time in Arkala. He's really been getting the short end of the stick since they set out on this mission. First with the werewolf thing in Balmoral and now this. Hopefully it won't be too bad.

Malachi, Naomi, and Nisha walk over to Lavern and Nesosa while Lyf, M'Rhys, and Ethel wait for them near the entrance.

"So, we all ready for the most annoying time of our lives?" Nisha asks with feigned enthusiasm.

Malachi grumbles and starts walking towards the door. "Not a chance," he mutters.

They all stand at the door and Malachi raises his fist to knock, but the door is already swinging open before he can. He slowly lowers his hand and eyes the person waiting inside.

Another white-haired Adaliaen. Surprise surprise. Her eyes are brown like Castien's. She's wearing a frilly white and gold dress and a gold circlet around her head. Her long white hair is braided, hanging down to her lower back.

She smiles at each of them, then turns her expression to a snarky glare once her eyes land on Lavern. "Well now, this is quite the surprise. Finally realized the inherent flaws of being a, what, a 'Cle'? Decided to come home at long last?" she snides.

Lavern glares back at her and says nothing, only a low growl of annoyance.

Rather than saying anything else to piss off Lavern, she turns her head back into the house and spots Castien where he's talking with some guests beside the fountain that sits at the back of the room, separating the two sets of connected staircases covered in black and gold carpeting.

"Father! They are here, finally!" she calls to him.

Castien wraps up whatever conversation he was having and starts walking over towards the door, swiftly grabbing a glass with a cocktail from the serving tray being carried by a Tus'Felnis man in a suit.

He takes a sip as he reaches the door and smiles. "Ah, I was starting to wonder if you'd ever arrive. My associates have been getting rather impatient this evening. But I'm sure the other leaders will understand your delayed arrival. I'm certain it won't have any... influence on their decisions down the line, Miss Du'Gidea," he says with a smirk towards Lyf.

They return the look with a clearly forced smile. "Castien. Why am I not surprised you consider ten minutes being 'delayed'? Oh, of course, because all you know how to do is waste everyone's time," they say with feigned civility.

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