"See? I was right, you're fun to be around with."

"Heh, you're not bad than oi thought."

When you and Sniper finally reach the training room. You instantly frown once you see the training room.

You sigh, "can't I just ditch this training session?"

Sniper places his hand on your shoulder, "if you skip, then you won't get your uniform."

"My uniform!?" You said, sounding surprised.

"Spook was plannin' on tellin' you at the end of the training but it looks loike oi ruined the surprise."

"'Es 'ou 'ave," Spy said, appearing out of thin air, causing you to jump back.

"Jesus Christ!! Can you just warn me before scaring me like that!?"

"Sorry to pop in unannounced," he said with sarcasm.

"It's too late to apologize!" You said.

Spy rolled his eyes, "we do not 'ave time for zese games Zief, we can discuss it another time."

You were to protest, but you deeply inhaled and let out a sigh, "fine."

"Good," he said, walking off.

"Good luck mate/sheila."

"Thanks Snipe!"

You run off, catching up to Spy. When you're in the training room Spy is nowhere to be found.


Before you can even go even further, you hear something behind you, only to find Spy coming at you with his knife. With your fight or flight response, you grab his wrist (that's holding a knife), kicking him right in the stomach that he let out an "oof."

You back away in a defensive position, only to find Spy on the ground.

"Ah Spy! I'm s-"


You look at Spy with a puzzled look, "wait what?"

"'ou're not incompetent than I thought 'ou will be."

You give him a stare, crossing your arms, "geez thanks..."

Spy gets back up to his stance, "come at me."

"Me coming at you?"

"Come at me," he said, as his patience is wearing thin.

"But Spy! You have a knife in your h-"


"Okay! Okay!" You said, "no need to shout at me!"

You charge at him, only for him to step aside with ease. You turn your head to him, only to find him being disappointed with you.

"Is zat it?"

"Spy, there's no way I'm coming at you with a knife in your hand."

"Why? 'Ou're afraid zat I'll stab 'ou?"

"Well yeah! I mean no! It's just..." you said, struggling to find your words, "that it's not fair that you're armed while I'm unarmed."

"Zere no such zing as fair fight in the war zone Zief. 'Ou can't expect 'our enemies to play fair."

"I know! But you're not my enemy."

"If 'ou don't attack zen I will."


Spy instantly charges at you and is about to slash your face. You dodge slideways, and stumble back a bit.

'If he wants a fight, then I'll give him one.'

You get in your defense stance waiting for Spy to make his move. As Spy dashes towards you, you're about to block and grab his wrist, but Spy has a trick in his sleeve.

As you thought he was about to slash you in the face, he instantly ducked down, wrapping his arms around your waist, tackling you down to the floor. Only to find yourself on the ground being pinned by Spy as he places a knife on your neck.

"Annnd 'ou're dead," he said, getting off of you.

You pull yourself up and glare at him a bit.

Spy rolled his eyes, "if 'ou zink I beat 'ou with a knife, zink again."

You didn't say anything, without any hesitation you removed your black jacket and tossed it aside.

You get in your fighting stance again, this time you run forward. You throw your fist at Spy, but Spy blocks it with ease, only for you to kick his side as hard as you can.

Spy lets out a grunt, but quickly grabs your wrist pulling you in and throws you to the floor. "Is zat all 'ou got!?"

You slide down, only to get back up and charge back at him. This time you will try something that is unexpected. Without any hesitation you spit at Spy's face. As Spy gets distracted by your spit, you punch him right in the face and the side before kicking him away.

Spy was caught off guard when you spit him right in the face, and he doesn't appreciate it. He was about to use his knife only to find it gone.

"Looking for this?" You said, waving a knife in your hand.

Spy grit his teeth, but he takes a deep breath and stands up. Regaining his composure, "'Ou did a fine job, it's not ze best. I guess zat will do."

"So are we done?"

"Who says zat 'our training is over?"

"Uhh, you did?"

"No, I said 'ou did a fine job. We still 'aven't finish our training session."

You sigh, "okay."

"Now, show me what 'ou got. Even if it means to kill me."

'This man really lost his mind!' You thought to yourself as you analyzed Spy's stance. You can't seem to read his facial expression.

'Well shit, he may have lost his mind and I hate his guts, but damn he knows how to do his job. I need to take notes from him.'

You decide to run toward him, as you get closer to him, he is about to grab your arm with a knife, but you evade and use the handle of the blade to hit him right in the back, causing him to hit the floor.

"And you're dead," you said, trying to mimic his accent.

Spy rolled his eyes, pulling himself up, "looks like our training 'as come to end."

"So does that mean that I did great!?" you said with excitement.

He shakes his head, "no, what 'ou did was sloppy and predictable."

You frown, "you're joking right?"

"If I was joking, I would be laughing," he said walking by you, taking his butterfly knife out of your hand "and I'll take zat back."

You rolled your eyes as you silently mock him. You follow Spy, only for him to hand you the box, which you take a peek inside, only to find a red t-shirt and a red bandana.

"'Ou better catch some rest Zief or zat imbecile wakes us up in ze morning."

"Okay," you said, leaving the training room.

Spy brushes some dust off his suit, before he takes his cigarette out. He hears the door burst open, only to find you rush in only to pick up your jacket.

"I almost forgot this!" you chuckled and left the training room before he could say anything.

'Ou may be sloppy, but zere's more to 'ou.'

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