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Savannah's POV

After spending a few weeks with Morgan and Hardy, Laken and I decided to head back to campus. With us being a few weeks out from graduation, the two of us have a lot to do back on campus.

Between our graduation activities and packing up our apartment, we are already falling behind on everything that we need to do.

Especially since my sister and her friend are planning to take over the lease from us.

"Sav, are you ready to go?" Laken questions, walking into my room.

Tonight, we have one finally sorority event at the house. It's basically one big party to celebrate all of the seniors from each chapter, and also an excuse to get drunk.

After checking myself in my bathroom mirror one last time, I make my way out into the living room where Laken is already waiting for me.

"Let's hit the road sis" I tell her.

Once the two of us get in the car, I turn to my best friend who has had a permanent smile on her face the past few weeks.

"How are things with Hardy?" I ask Laken.

I watch as a slight blush comes to my best friends cheeks, a telling sign that something is going on.

"It's all going really well actually. We decided to take things slow and see where everything goes. It helps that our best friends are together now, so we are forced to be around each other no matter what" she explains.

When we get to the house, I park the car in my spot.

The two of us make our way into the house, I look around seeing our entire sorority mingling around in the living room.

"Sissy!" I hear coming from behind me.

Turning around, I see my little sister Ellie running towards me, a smile on her face.

As soon as she reaches me, Ellie's arms wrap around me tightly.

"I need all the details on what's going on" she states.

I give her a nod, "I promise you will get them soon, just not here" I respond.

After greeting everyone around the room, and answering a few questions about Morgan, our president gathers the attention of everyone in the room.

"Thank you all for being here today to celebrate our seniors. We have a busy afternoon, so let's get started" Katie states.

After having brunch, all of the seniors are presented with our stoles to wear at graduation. We spend a little bit of time taking pictures and passing time waiting for it to get dark outside.

Once the sun goes down, everyone starts moving outside where we start getting with the groups, we normally spend time with.

Tonight, was Laken's turn to DD, seeing as who I did at the last party.

Halfway through the night, I find myself stumbling over to Laken. I will admit, I can handle my alcohol pretty well. However, something doesn't feel right tonight. Reaching Laken, I grab onto her arms attempting to hold myself up.

"Laken, I don't feel good" I tell her.

Laken pulls me to sit, before grabbing her bottle of water out of her purse and handing it to me.

"Let's get you home" she responds. 

Morgan's POV

"You still up?" Hardy questions, walking into my room.

Chasin' You // Morgan WallenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz