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Savannah's POV

After Morgan and I had talked last night, we went back outside to join Laken and Hardy, who were looking mighty close to each other.

Spending a few more hours outside, we were finally all ready to turn in for the night. It was decided that I would bunk with Morgan, as if I had a choice, and Laken would stay across the hall from us, while Hardy stayed in his normal room.

The next morning, Laken and I were the first ones awake.

Thankfully, all of our professors understood the situation, and agreed to let us finish out the semester virtually, only having us come onto campus to take our finals.

Laken and I are both PR majors, which has worked out in our favor since freshman year.

Laken pulled her laptop from her bookbag, setting it up on the kitchen island, while I went through the kitchen, attempting to find something for breakfast.

Settling for omelet's, knowing it's a favorite, I pull everything out and get started cooking.

As I'm finishing the first two, footsteps coming up from the basement sound, notifying us that Hardy is awake.

"Morning you guys" he states, taking a seat next to Laken at the island.

Sliding a plate to Laken, and one to Hardy. Hardy looks down at the plate, before looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Omelets?" he asks.

I give him a nod, before starting on one for me, and one for Morgan.

"Do I smell what I think I smell?" Morgan asks, making his way into the kitchen.

Laken chews up her bite, before setting her fork down next to her plate.

"I didn't realize your omelets were so famous Sav" Laken states.

Hardy lets out a chuckle, before looking over at her.

"We all used to beg her for them when we were in high school. If we really wanted them but she wasn't in the mood, we would just send Morgan over to her, she would usually give in to him" he explains.

"Morning baby girl" Morgan says as he grabs his plate from my hands, leaving me with a kiss on the cheek in passing.

Laken and Hardy both look up from their phones at the two of us, smiles on both of their faces.

"What am I missing here?" Laken questions.

Morgan sets his plate down next to me, before looking between the two of them.

"Is it such a crime to tell my girlfriend good morning?" Morgan questions, a confused look on his face.

"No crime dude. I'm happy for you two, you guys make a great team together" Hardy tells us, before digging back into his food.

"You and me both dude" Morgan responds, before sending me a wink and digging into his food.

I look across the island, seeing my two worlds collide in front of my face. 

After meeting her, Laken quickly became such an important part of my life. She was my sounding board, my shoulder to cry on, the person who always talked me out of the dark places in my head.

Meanwhile, Hardy and Morgan both knew everything about me from a young age, they knew who I used to be.

Seeing the three of them together is something I never thought I would see. I thought that this chapter of my life was closed for good, oh how wrong I was. 

"Are you going to eat?" Morgan asks, breaking me out of my inner thoughts. I give him a nod, before walking around to the other side of the island where everyone else is seated.

Morgan's POV

The four of us decided just to have a lazy day around the house since the past few days have been hectic for everyone in the house.

I'm looking over at Savannah, who is sitting on the back porch with a book in her hand, when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Looking up, I see Laken looking down at me. She nods her head, signaling for me to follow her.

The two of us make our way inside, where Hardy is already sitting in the living room.

"I just wanted to talk to you guys a little bit" Laken explains, before sitting down on the sofa next to Hardy. 

I look at the two of them confused, before sitting down on the open sofa.

"I want to know what your intentions are for my best friend, both of you. When I met Savannah, she was a shell of a person in what was supposed to be one of the happiest times of her life. I'm not trying to fully interrogate you here, I just want to make sure that if you guys are going to be in her life again, you guys are going to stick around. She has big plans for her future, and I don't want a broken heart to stand in the way of that" she explains.

"I never wanted to leave her in the first place, so I know I'm not going anywhere" Hardy responds, before looking over at me.

I let out a sigh, understanding where Laken is coming from. She's become protective over Savannah, something that I'm overly thankful for.

"Laken, I'm not going anywhere unless Savannah tells me to. I knew at 15 that she was the girl that would hold my heart forever, and no matter what happened its always been true. I don't think I could survive losing her again" I tell her.

Laken gives me a nod, before looking out towards the deck where Savannah is sitting, oblivious to the world around her. 

"Good. Because you might have been my favorite artist for a while, but Savannah is my favorite person in the world, she is my person. I can't stand it when she's sad, especially over someone else. She deserves the world, and I can only hope that you are willing to give it to her in return" she tells me. 

"I am" I tell her.

She gives me a nod, before pointing over to the back deck where Savannah is seated.

"Go get your girl, she's looking kind of lonely out there" she tells me.

Giving her a small smile, I make my way out the back door and to the swing where Savannah is seated.

Kissing the top of her head, I moved her slightly, giving me space to slide onto the swing behind her. Savannah leans back and lets out a small sigh.

"How was your interrogation?" she questions, eyes not looking up from the page she's reading. 

I let out a small chuckle, before wrapping my arms around her tightly.

"I'd get interrogated a thousand times if it makes you happy" I tell her.

Savannah looks up at me, before giving me a small kiss on my jaw and turning back to her book.

"Good, because you know dad will give you one" 


Chasin' You // Morgan WallenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя