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Savannah's POV

A few weeks have gone by since I saw Morgan, and I would say things are in a semi good place, at least for just starting talking again.

We've talked every chance we've gotten, even if was just a text or a full out facetime call. He always made sure to wish me a good morning, and a good night.

"Sav, are you almost ready? We have to go meet the others soon" Laken asks, peaking her head into my room.

"Let's go" I tell her, grabbing my phone and following her out of the room.

"Have you talked to Morgan today?" Laken asks, as we walk down the hallway together.

I shake my head, clicking the button on the elevator for the garage.

"They are on their way to Michigan. He's probably asleep or writing knowing him. He did text me first thing this morning, but that was all" I tell her.

Once we get in her Jeep, we make our way out of the parking garage, and towards our sorority house for our gameday party, and our walk to the stadium with the rest of the girls.

Once we arrive, Laken parks in her spot and jumps out of the car.

The two of us link arms at the hood, before making our way inside of the busy house.

"Your favorite twins have arrived" we say in unison as we walk into the house.

When we rushed our freshman year, everyone saw how close we were becoming, so they clearly decided not to separate us.

We both made it into Phi Mu, where they decided to keep up together and make us one of the sets of twins for our big's.

After passing around hugs, Laken and I sit down on one of the couches next to our friend Kayla.

"So, what's new?" Kayla asks.

"Sav has a boyfriend" Laken blurts out, causing all heads to snap my direction. 

"Since when?" Kayla questions.

"It's not official yet, but we've been talking for a few weeks now" I tell her.

She gives me a nod, dropping the conversation there thankfully.

Once everyone has arrived at the house, we all take a good luck shot and eat some lunch, before making our way towards the stadium.

After scanning our tickets at the entrance, we all made our way down to our regular section within the student section, the same place where we've been sitting since, we came to our first game freshman year.

"Did you guys hear about the halftime concert instead of the band preforming?" Kayla asks, as we make our way through the crowds of people.

"Do you know who it is?" Laken questions.

Kayla shakes her head as she sits down in her seat.

"No one does, they've kept it very tight lipped. I only heard about it because I heard one of the juniors that works here say something about them getting in some of the stage equipment this week" she explains.

When halftime finally rolls around, we watch as a group of people start making quick work of putting a small stage together in the middle of the field.

"Do you want to try and get a spot on the field?" Laken asks.

"Why not" I tell her, agreeing with her idea.

We make our way through the crowd of drunk college kids towards the stairs to the field. When they finally announce that students in the stands are welcome to join them on the field, we quickly run through the grass, finding a spot to stand in front of the stage.

Chasin' You // Morgan WallenWhere stories live. Discover now