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Savannah's POV

"Savannah Marie" I hear being whisper-yelled from my doorway.

Opening my eyes slowly, I'm met with the shocked expression of my best friend. Looking at her confused about what she could possibly be so shocked about, only to have my question answered when I feel a body moving behind me.

Last night, the two of us talked for what felt like hours, I guess we both ended up falling asleep at some point, putting us in this position.

"Shit" I mumble, looking between the two bodies in my room.

I look up at Laken, whose trying her best not to freak out. Guess we will deal with her first.

"Laken, I need you to take a deep breath for me" I tell her, quietly.

Laken gives me a nod, not moving her eyes from the man behind me.

Slowly moving myself off of the bed, I quickly grabbed Laken's arm, ushering her out of the room. Pulling the door closed quietly behind me, I turn around to see Laken staring at me, unable to actually put a sentence together. 

I start to walk towards the kitchen, leaving her staring between the now closed door any myself. 

"You have two seconds to explain why Morgan Wallen is sleeping in your bed right now. I know for a fact he wasn't here when I went to sleep" Laken exclaims, following me into the kitchen.

Moving quietly, I pull out everything I need for coffee, before turning to her.

"There's a reason why I was fighting so hard about going to the concert last night" I tell her.

"I need some more information than that, give me some details" she tells me, sitting down on a bar stool in front of me.

Before I can talk, the door to my room opens up, causing Laken and I to look in that direction.

"Sav" Morgan says, attempting to clear the sleep out of his throat.

A smile comes to Laken's face when she sees him, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Morning, I got some coffee going" I tell him.

"Thanks sweetheart, I'm going to go get dressed first" Morgan tells me, pointing to the door next to him.

Laken and I grab our coffee, before heading into the living room. I set down the second up as I was carrying right as Morgan walks out of my room.

He sits down next to me, unconsciously resting his hand on my thigh.

"Morgan this is Laken, Laken there's no introduction need" I say, pointing over to the redhead who is sitting quietly in a chair next to us.

"You're not getting out of this, I need to know what's going on" Laken states, leaning back in the chair some.

I sigh, before putting my coffee cup down on the table in front of us.

"Do you remember when we had our first girls night, when we were talking about all of our ex's and I had that one breakup that was still fresh, my only break up actually" I ask.

Laken gives me a sad smile, remembering cheering me up from my wrecked state.

"The one that we put in that book that we set on fire?" Laken asks, looking for clarification.

I give her a nod, "that's the one" I tell her.

On our first night as roommates, the two of us spent time getting to know each other. When the topic of boys came up, I had a breakdown. Because I knew Morgan was going to Nashville, I didn't want to put all of that information out there, with someone I didn't know well at the time, so I held some of the information about him back.

Laken had the idea that a fresh start was needed.

So, I wrote down everything I was feeling in a book and burned it. 

Laken stays silent, attempting to put all of the pieces together in her head. When she finally does, she jumps up from her seat as if it was just set on fire.

"That means Chasin You is about her" Laken questions, looking over at Morgan.

Morgan gives her a nod, squeezing my thigh.

"So is if I ever get you back, 7 Summers, and a few others that I can't think of off the top of my head" he responds.

"Does this mean you two are together or something?" Laken asks, looking between the two of us.

Morgan looks over at me, giving me a small smile.

"That's the goal here" he tells her.

A smile comes to Laken's face as soon as the words leave his mouth. The thought of her best friend, and her favorite artist together, a fairytale for her.

Laken gets up from her seat, before walking to her room, and walking back out with her backpack thrown over her shoulder.

"I'm going to go to class, let you two talk about everything. I'll tell them that you're sick Sav" she tells us.

Laken gives me a wink, before walking out the front door, leaving Morgan and I sitting alone in the apartment. 

"So where do we go from here?" I ask Morgan, bringing my knees up to my chest.

Morgan lets out a sigh, before resting his hand on my ankle.

"I want us to find our way back to each other, how we were when we were in high school. I know things will be different this time, and a little bit more difficult. I wasn't lying when I said that I wanted to be back in your life again, however you will have me. I would like us to at least attempt to give our relationship another chance if you're up for it. Even if it didn't work out, we could at least say we gave it another shot" Morgan tells me.

I give him a nod, thinking about everything he has said.

Can the two of us really make it work again? 

Things are different now. He has fans, a career that takes him around the country for months at a time. I'm just a normal girl living with her best friend, getting a degree.

"I'm open to it, I just want to know that you aren't going anywhere. I don't think I can handle you walking away again Morgan. I was able to come out stronger the first time, but I don't know what I would do a second time" I tell him.

Morgan pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around me tightly. He places a kiss on the top of my head, letting the words spoken between the two of us.

"I promise Sassy, I'm going to show you that it's me and you till the end, you'll see" he tells me. 

Chasin' You // Morgan WallenWhere stories live. Discover now