Chapter one

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  • Dedicated to Jackie Korvan

Edited on January 13, 2011

Chapter one Jaime's POV

June 9, 2010

Last week, I graduated high school. I live in Orlando, Fl. No I don't go to Disney world or any other theme park every weekend. The only reason I'm saying this is because too many tourists ask me that when I stay at any hotel anywhere.

Some days I wish I was human. Out of my graduating class of 230, 7 are vampires, 23 are fairies, 16 are trolls, 2 are hybrids and one shapeshifter which is me. This means 181 are humans. That's a very good percentage... for the humans.

All the mythical beings are in disguise during the daytime. But at night, they all go to special clubs or hangouts or even restaurants just for them. Each mythical being has their own diet. Vampires obvious blood. Fairies are vegetarians. Trolls only eat raw food. Werewolves eat a human diet except when in their wolf form at that time they hunt and kill anything they find edible.

My kind can adapt to any diet and any lifestyle. We are very flexible creatures. Too bad I'm the last one on the planet now. I have no idea why but all the other creatures find shapeshifters a kind of threat to them.

I was 7 when my father was killed by a troll. His parents died of old age before I was born. My sister and brother were killed by vampires when I was 13. My grandmother was killed when I was 4 by a group of evil fairies. When I was 2, my grandfather committed suicide after being captured by vampires and tortured. I was 16 when my mother was hunted down and killed by the alpha werewolf of a nearby tribe.

That night was the hardest thing I had to face. I remember that night, as clear as day. It was December 12, 2007 at 7:40 p.m. A gray wolf broke into our house. He ran to my mother and bit her neck. She tried to fight him but he moved too fast. He dragged her out of the house.

About two hours later, he came back in human form. He was very good looking. He only wore blue jeans. He had island tanned skin, brown hair with blond highlights. Also, he had sparkling green eyes. His chiseled body and crude attitude would put celebrities to shame. This made me feel inferior. He looked hotter than me. I have dark brown hair with red highlights, same skin tone as his, and light brown eyes. I was wearing an orange tank top with blue jeans.

The alpha werewolf casually took a seat on my couch. I closed the door. I walked over toward him. I stood in front of him with my hands on my hips. He crossed his ankles. "I understand you are now the last of your kind. So what do you plan to do to protect yourself from deadly killers such as I?" He sounded smug. He kept his eyes on my shoes.

I took a deep breath to remain calm. "Why did you come back? Are you going to kill me?" I asked blankly. He stood up and slowly approached me.

Once our eyes met, my heart took off like a racecar. I took a step forward closing the distance between us. He pushed his hair out of his face. Then, he smiled at me. I held my breath. Wow, I've never seen anyone with teeth as white as his. "I came back because I didn't want you to think that I am the bad guy." He answered. I frowned. "I'm not going to kill you. The elders of my tribe told me you are completely harmless." His smile widened. He touched my cheek. His thumb brushed my skin softly. I leaned into him. "I'm glad you haven't even tried to kill me." He laughed. He leaned into my ear. "Because if you did I'll take you far away with me as my prisoner." He whispered. I adverted my eyes. His lips brushed my neck. "But since you are being such a good girl, I'm going to tell you that the elders want you to join our pack." He leaned back as he spoke. His hand moved to my shoulder. He massaged it a little, making me moan. I pressed myself against him. His other hand moved along the side of my body.

"Um, give me sometime to think about that. By the way what's your name?" I whispered my voice sounded hoarse. He leaned back to cock an eyebrow at me.

Suddenly, he had me on the couch. He was on his knees beside me on the couch. His hand grasped my thigh as he leaned into me. "I'm Seth." He whispered. He moved my legs so I was lying down. "I'm Seth Brandon Oakly." He kissed my stomach at each word.

"Seth" I breathed. He moaned as he lifted my shirt to reveal my stomach. "I'm Jaime." I replied. He nodded. I put my hand under his chin. "I'm 16 and I'm a virgin. So I suggest you stop before you get carried away." I said calmly.

"Jaime, don't worry. I'm not allowed to have sex with you until the elders allow me too." Seth retorted with a scoff. "Would you like to go for a run with me?" Seth laughed. His fingers ran down my arm. I closed my eyes. "Or we could stay here and play a game?" I turned my head.

"Seth I... I... I think you should-" His growl cut me off.

I was under his wolf form in a matter of seconds. I shifted into a brown wolf with blue eyes. He was a gray colored wolf that was three times bigger than me. He licked my chin. "Come on, Shorty. Let's make a bet. If I win, we will be roommates. If you win you don't have to join us. You can live here and I will protect you." He told me through his mind. Seth barked a laugh. I pushed him off and ran out the door. This will be fun. I will definitely win.

I decided to turn into a fairy and fly toward the edge of the forest. The blue glittery wings were awesome. A pale blue dress appeared whenever I took this form. "I win" I shouted.

A moment later, I shifted to my wolf form. Seth tackled me from the side. We rolled around at least four times. We laughed in unison. Then a feeling of sickness hit me. I was laughing with my mother's murderer. I stopped and got off Seth. Tears pricked at my eyes. Seth got in front of me. He gave me a wolfy grin. "Play with me." he laughed. How can I play with a murderer? How can I be friends with this man? I should hate him.

I got onto a patch of leaves and curled up into a ball. A cold breeze passed through my fur. I didn't feel comfortable mourning as a wolf. Seth's nose tapped mine. "Go away" I whispered my head voice was filled with pain. Seth curled up next to me. He rubbed his head against my shoulder.

"I will never hurt you. Let's go inside. You must want your bed." Seth whispered in my ear. I put my front paws in front me. I grumbled in my wolf voice. Seth pressed his cheek against mine.

"Why are you being so nice to me? You are supposed to hate me. I have never been told, why." I told him as I closed my eyes again.

Seth pushed me so I would be on my back. I whined. His muzzle was close to mine. "That's why, I can't kill and won't kill you. You have no idea, what your kind was made for. You have no clue, as to why all the creatures want to kill all the shapeshifters. Jaime, you're innocent. Please join my pack." Seth sounded hurt. Why did he expect me to join him after he killed my mother? This jerk is lucky, I'm to upset to try and fight or else, I'd be attacking him. No, I wouldn't, I don't know how to fight... so why would I try. I bit and pulled on his ear. He yelped and rolled over.

I ran back to my house. I ran into my room and shifted back to my human form. I sighed as I put on my baby blue night gown. That night was the first night, I fell asleep without my Mom's goodnight kiss, her loving smile, and without her reminding me to be brave. This was the night, I became The Last Shapeshifter on earth.


Hey I hope you guys like this story the inspiration just came out of nowhere. I can't wait to bring more to the site thanks for reading.

By the way the wolf is Jaime's wolf form with blue eyes though.

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Sincerely, Krystal_Nova

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