Consequences of Putting Others First

Start from the beginning

"Ah, I don't have the energy for this, Rosie. Don't ask me," Jennie said dismissively as we walked out of the building together. The crowd of paparazzis weren't as big these days, thankfully. But I knew there were people still getting my picture from the corner of my eyes and I ignored them as best as I could.

"I wonder what you've been doing to use up all your energy," I teased, "Must be busy down here." I patted her stomach and she shoved me away playfully.

"How's Asa? Did anything happen that night you went looking for him?" she asked. I bit my lip and looked the other way. "Something happened?! What was it? Tell me, tell me!"

"No! Nothing happened," I said, warning her with my eyes then gesturing to her husband. He was playing on his phone, waiting for Jennie on the side.

"Come on... It's Asa we're talking about. He's not the type of guy to send a girl home in the middle of night when she went all the way to his house."

"Yeah, well, what do you know? Have you ever been that girl before?" I asked to provoke her and she narrowed her eyes at me. "Wait, you've never been that girl before, right?"

She tightened her lips and let go of my arm to walk away awkwardly. I pulled her back.

"Jennie, really? Asa?"

"Don't talk about it here~" she said and pointed to Alex with her head.

"But it's happened before? When?"

As Jennie tried walking away from me as discreetly as possible, there was suddenly the loud sound of honking from the side of the street. We looked in the direction and saw Alex running. It all happened in a spilt second and as her husband ran to save a little old woman in the street, a car hit him instead of her.

The two of us ran over as fast as we could. I helped the old woman while Jennie was knelt down beside her husband. He laid on the ground, not moving or responding. Some other people attended to the old woman so I went over to Jennie. She was checking the pulse on his neck and his wrists and finally placed her ear against his chest. When she rested her head there and cried softly, I knew what it meant.

"Don't go... I still need you here."

"Jennie..." I said kneeling down beside her. I thought of pulling her away, but I felt that I shouldn't. I should just let her hug what was left of him.

The ambulance came and so did the police. Everything happened like a fever dream and Jennie was silent the entire time. From the back of the ambulance to the waiting room of the hospital, she didn't say one word. She just cried by herself silently until she couldn't cry anymore.

Walking by us was Jisoo. Her smile dropped immediately, noticing our moods and the fact that we were sitting outside the emergency room. She came over and I knew she wasn't sure of what to ask. Even if she did ask, I didn't think she'd want to know.

"We'll go get you some water. Stay here, Jennie," I said and kissed Jennie's head before leaving. Jisoo took me down a hallway and when we stopped, I told her everything I saw. My throat ran dry as I spoke and my stomach churned from remembering what happened. How must Jennie be feeling?

We made the talk short as to not leave Jennie for long and we returned with some water and tissues in hand. As we approached, Lisa was there now with Asa. Jennie was standing upright and buried into Lisa's arms. Asa was sitting on the side, trying his hardest to hold back the tears that were already spilling out of his eyes.

"Hey," Lisa said when she saw us. Jisoo gave Jennie a kiss on the head and joined their hug.

I set the water on a table nearby and offered one to Asa. He didn't want it and hid his face from me with a hand, but I could still see his lip quivering. I put his cup down and moved his hand away. Standing in between his feet, I pulled him to my chest and hugged him tightly. I pet his head gently, feeling him cry onto me for as long as he needed.

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