ten; the coldest stare

Start from the beginning

I look at him. "I didn't know you were dating somebody, Harry."

"What? I'm- I'm not," he says too quickly, convincing me that he's hiding something.

I smile at him and raise my eyebrows. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

He shakes his head. "No."

I nod, mockingly, knowing he's lying.

"I'm not hiding anything," he attempts to say sternly, but it come out as unsure and weak.

I smile and pat his arm. "Chill, I'm just messing with you. I know if you wanted to tell me something, you would."

He smiles hesitantly. "Yeah, yeah I would."

"But, back to my problem, do you think he would listen to Zayn? Isn't he his best friend?"

Harry shrugs. "I think he's closest with Calum, but he's known Zayn since they were little because his dad and Zayn's dad worked together."

I nod. "So they're family friends?"

"I guess, yeah. So he trusts Zayn," Harry explains. "Even though, sometimes, I wouldn't, but that's just me. He's a nice guy, but sometimes I think he's only looks out for himself, ya know?"

I nod. "Yeah, I get it."

"Don't think too much about it," Harry insists. "Mikey really likes you. He wouldn't do anything like that."

I smile. "That's what people keep telling me."

Harry smiles and shrugs. "And if he does break up with you, then he's a fucking idiot to let you go."

I smile. "Thanks."

He nudged me, smiling. "No problem."

Before I can continue our conversation, my phone vibrates in my bag. I pull it out, seeing I have a new message. "Speak of the devil," I say as I open the message from Mikey.

"What did he say?" Harry asks.

I clear my throat and read his message to him. "Hey, babe, I can't meet you after class because I have to do something, so I'll walk you home. I wanted to talk to you about something."

Harry rolls his eyes. "He's so full of shit."

I sigh and reply to him.

alright, that's fine...is something wrong?

"It's probably nothing," Harry says. "And if it is, just fight him on it and try to talk some sense into him."

I scoff. "He's kind of stubborn."

"Well, try your best."

"We'll just have to wait and see."


I spot Michael's blond head from across the hallway and smile as I start to make my way towards him. He looks up at me when I reach him. He doesn't smile or seem remotely happy to see me. "Hey," he says to me before walking down the hall.

I walk to catch up to him and grab his arm, making him look at me. "What's wrong?" I ask.

He turns to me and shrugs. "Nothing."

"So then why are you acting like you don't want to see me?"

He shrugs again and walks towards his locker. I sigh and walk to my locker. Whatever, Michael, be an asshole.

After a few minutes, he walks over to me. "Ready?" He asks in monotone voice.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah," I tell him, putting my bag on my shoulder. "I told Niall and Connor they didn't have to walk with us today and they agreed," I say, smiling at him.

"Good," he says as he starts walking out.

I sigh and catch up to him. When we walk out of the building, I go to grab his hand, but he pulls away, quickly shoving his hands in his pockets.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You were fine earlier," I tell him, getting really annoyed that my boyfriend is being a jerk to me.

"Brianna, I'm just tired, okay? I had a long, shitty day."

I frown. "Why? What happened?" I ask as we continue walking.

He shakes his head. "Nothing, it's nothing."

The rest of our walk is silent. He doesn't say anything to me-he doesn't even touch me and it makes me wonder if what he wants to talk to me about is exactly what I don't want to hear.

When we get to my building, he stops and stares at me, not showing any emotion. "I wanted to talk to you about something," he starts, avoiding eye contact.

"About what?" I ask nervously.

"I don't think this is going to work," he mumbles.

My heart stops. "What?"

"I don't have time for a girlfriend right now," he explains quickly. "I'm sorry."

"Are you serious?" I ask him in complete disbelief. "We were literally fine four hours ago, and now you don't have time for a girlfriend?"

"Brianna," he sighs, running his fingers through his hair.

"No, this is so stupid. You're only breaking up with me because Zayn told you that he thought we were a bad idea!" I tell, getting anger at him.

"That's not even true!" He raises his voice. "I don't listen to what people tell me to do and I especially don't take orders from him!"

"So then what suddenly changed?"

"Nothing, I just don't have time for this anymore!"

"That's such bullshit and you know it!"

He groans. "God, you're so difficult. You can't just let me fucking break up with you? I don't want to date you anymore! Is that so hard to believe? I don't like you anymore. Honestly, I didn't even really like you to begin with."

I bite my lip. "You don't mean that," I whisper.

He shrugs and pulls out his pack of cigarettes. "It is, sorry, princess." He puts a cigarette between his lips and pulls out his lighter after shoving the pack in his pocket. "Guess I'm not your Prince Charming after all."


"Stop," he tells me. He shakes his head, putting his hand out to stop me. "I don't wanna hear it. We're done," he say roughly before walking away, leaving me there, feeling like a complete idiot.


hello :)

so the good news is i have up to chapter 18 planned

the bad news is bri and mikey arent exactly on good terms, however we do know they get back together (and then break up again but we wont talk about that)

anyway, what do you think? zayn and mikey are family friends? harry knows about complicaed relationships? hM

comment, vote and fan pretty please! fav comment gets a dedication :)

love you guys lots xx

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