Chapter 26: Civil War (Hyper Shinken Red)

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(With Superman already weakened by the dagger, Batman is able to block his blows and slice him again. The two engage in a test of strength and Batman drops the dagger, which Wonder Woman picks up and gets away from Superman. With his powers already starting to come back, Superman charges Batman and holds him up by the throat. Supergirl runs in to try to stop him.)

Supergirl: You DON'T want to do this! (holds Superman's arm down)

(Kamen Rider Blade and Kamen Rider Drive tackle him to outside of the ship. Wonder Woman draws her sword, but Flash goes behind her and holds her back.)

The Flash: Uh-uh.

(But Wonder Woman gives him a vicious elbow to the chin. Super Shinken Red prepares to transform again.)

S.S. Red: Hyper Shinken Red! Going Forth!

Wonder Woman: (sees it) NO!

(Kamen RIder Wizard tackles Wonder Woman as Super Shinken Red becomes Hyper Shinken Red. Aquaman tries to stab Batman, but Hyper Shinken Red arrives at time to save him and his katana clashes with his trident.)


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H.S. Red: Arthur, don't do this! You don't want to follow Clark!

Aquaman: I'm not following ANYONE! (kicks Shinken Red away) You've NEVER understood Atlantis, Jaune! We are an ancient people with an old-fashioned sense of justice!

(Knowing there was no reasoning with Aquaman, Jaune puts his Hyper Form into action. After some clashes, Jaune manages to shove Aquaman's trident and scuttle him.)

H.S. Red: Atlantis needs to get with the times.

(Aquaman stands from his beat-down and thrusts at Hyper Shinken Red, but he parries the Trident out of Arthur's hands and runs his katana through his thigh. As Aquaman writhes in pain, Hyper Shinken Red backs up.)

H.S. Red: I'm tired of fighting you, Arthur!

(Meanwhile, Black Adam is using his power to attack Supergirl. Hyper Shinken Red tries to sneak up, but Adam zaps HIM as well. Adam then tackles Hyper Shinken Red out of the ship. Flash is busy having a to-do with Wonder Woman; he knocks her down before zipping over to check on Supergirl along with Batman and Super Soldier.)

Batman: It was just a matter of time until they double-cross me.

Super Soldier: We have to move!

(Meanwhile in Gotham, Kamen Rider Blade and Kamen Rider Drive are seen face to face with the tyrant who ruined their lives.)

Superman: Why are you against me? Brainiac has to pay!

Blade: This is not about Brainiac!

Blade's Drive: Absorb Queen! Evolution King!

(Kamen Rider Blade transforms into his King Form.)


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