Chapter 17: Invasion (The Flash/Kamen Rider Drive)

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(In Metropolis, an army of Betas is seen preparing to execute the citizens, but Kamen Rider Drive comes in and saves the citizens while he destroys them.)

Drive: Man, this is insane

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Drive: Man, this is insane.

(Then he keeps running while destroying the betas until he somehow gets shot in the leg. Then Captain Cold comes in.)

Captain Cold: Nice shot, Deadshot.

Deadshot: Just finish the job already.

(Before Captain Cold could freeze Kamen Rider Drive, The Flash comes in and hits him.)

Flash: For God's sake, Cold, look around!

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Flash: For God's sake, Cold, look around!

Captain Cold: Yeah, crazy day. Kinda like when Superman went nuts... and you went right along with him.

Flash: Save the punishment for later. (to Kamen Rider Drive) Go and keep saving those innocent people.

Drive: All right. It's good to see you back, Barry.

(Then Captain Cold gets up.)

Captain Cold: You'll regret this, Barry!

(The Flash and Captain Cold had a bitter historic, and the five past years made it worse since Captain Cold now has urge to kill The Flash, but he is eventually bested by the hero.)

Flash: Guess we BOTH let each other down. (runs off)

(Kamen Rider Drive keeps destroying the betas, but then he hears a shot and barely evades it, then Deadshot comes in.)

Deadshot: Runnin' a little slow, Flash.

Drive: Retirement'll do that to you. (Deadshot fires two shots...but Kamen Rider Drive watches them in slo-mo and easily dodges them. He then runs behind Deadshot and gets him in an arm lock.) What's WITH you, Lawton?! You should be FIGHTING this invasion!

Deadshot: Blame Grodd for this. He implanted a nanoexplosive in my brain. (draws a knife) His paw's on the trigger. (stabs the knife into his own shoulder... and and it's long enough that it stabs Kamen Rider Drive in the shoulder, too. Drive lets go and Deadshot pulls the knife out) So, whether I like it or not, I gotta do his dirty work.

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