Chapter 11: Aggression (Wonder Woman/Team Ninjago)

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(At the Insurgency Base, the heroes are seen listening to what the former Regime Member, The Flash had to say)

Flash: I'm telling you. Gotham and Metropolis will be history. And then he's coming after your world.

Cyborg: I can't believe he'd do it. It's insane.

Green Lantern: We have to stop him.

Wonder Woman: It's gonna be a helluva fight.

Batman (Insurgency): No. I brought you here to get the Kryptonite weapon. And that plan failed. You're going home. Then I'm destroying the inter-dimensional transporter.

Green Arrow: It won't stop him from coming over.

Jaune: It'll buy you time to prepare.

Virginia: Luthor sacrificed himself. We won't dishonor him letting them leave.

Batman: We have an alternative. We bring over our Superman. Finish this fight.

Zach: One Superman in this world is enough.

Kevin: Maybe their Superman is not like ours. We can't let emotion cloud our judgments.

(However this was interrupted by an explosion as the Regime meta-human begins to attack them. Everyone gets in position to battle them while Wonder Woman and Kai face Bane.)

Bane: Señorita y niño ninja. You'll learn to fear me.

Wonder Woman: How is it Superman spared you, Bane?

Bane: He appreciates my talents.

Bane: He appreciates my talents

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Kai: Not for much longer

(Bane shoots Kai with his sub-machine gun but he shields
himself with his sword.)

Bane: Say your prayers!

(He reloads and tries to Shoot Wonder Woman, but he ran out of bullets again while failing to take her down.)

Bane: I will break you!

(After reloading and repeating the same actions, Bane feds up and decides to take them down by brutal strength while tossing his gun away.)

Bane: I'll snap you both like matchsticks!

(They fight. Bane uses his Venom to power up his strength and ram against Wonder Woman and Kai. But Their combined attacks are effective  as they manage to stop him in his tracks and knock him down easily
without cutting off his Venom supply.)

Wonder Woman: Thank Athena I'm merciful. Growing up a prisoner should've taught you the value of mercy.

Bane: Pena Dura taught me one thing. Better to be feared than respected.

(Bane attacks Wonder Womanagain but fails, but as soon Wonder Woman does the finishing blow, she was teleported to Themyscira along with Lloyd, Jay and Cole.)

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