chapter seven | entreprenuer

Start from the beginning

"Okay, that would be fine. If you could do it tomorrow so that I have time to clean up a little that would be great. Also, please keep in mind most things in the building are breakable so be careful." She instantly says to Andrew.

"Of course, Miss. what time would work best for you tomorrow? Rather, what is your slowest time of day?" He asks Mrs. Saint Thomas.

"I'm open from 8-12 and then closeted 12:30 to 1 for my lunch break so you could come then if that works for you. I then open from 1 until 6." She clarifies with us.

"Okay thank you, we will be by then. Could I have your number so I can call when we get here?" Andrew asks the woman. "Of course, it's on my card here. My cell is the one on the bottom. Call me when your here and I will let you in." She says as a customer walks up.

"Okay, we'll head out now. Have a nice day." I say and start walking towards the door. "Goodbye, sweetheart." She says to me with a soft smile.

Walking back into our dorm building I say to Andrew "Well that was a surprise. I was not expecting the first person we asked to say yes, and on top of that to be so nice about it."

"Yeah, me neither, she also kind of had a resting bitch face so it surprised me that she was so nice to us." He says, which reminded me of how nice he was to that old woman back there.

"Yeah, I was surprised that you were so polite to that woman back there. I mean you are always nice but that was just another story." I mention to him casually.

"Tsk. Always thinking so lowly of me Alexis." He mutters, turning around to look at me and shaking his head. "So you know how to edit and film videos?" He asked me randomly.

"Yeah, I learned in middle school. In high school, I had my own little business running from it. Local businesses would hire me to shoot and edit advertisements for them. It paid pretty well too." I reply to him.

"Is that not something that you can see yourself doing as a career?" He asked me, I get this question so much when I talk to people about it.

"It's long, and hard, the pay isn't too great either. It was kind of just a high school thing. Did you have any odd jobs in high school?" I ask him, genuinely curious.

" I didn't. Before I owned the company I helped out there sometimes but my parents did good on money, so they wanted me to focus on doing good in school and focus on getting into a good college and succeeding in that." He says casually.

"So what does your mom do for work? I know your dad owned the company before he handed it down to you." I ask him. He replies with "My mom hasn't had a job in years. She was a stay-at-home mom. Having 6 boys was a job in itself." He chuckles at that.

"Especially you. I can only imagine 5 more people just like you." I say giggling.

"Thanks, Lex. But we're all very different thank you very much." He says within a very extra dramatic eye roll at the end.

"What about your parents, what were their jobs?" He asks me and I freeze up for a moment before answering him. Part of my healing is I can't ruin other people's conversations just because I'm still upset. "My dad owned an electronic repair shop, my step-mom worked there with him and when my mom was still alive she owned a dance studio," I tell him, actually not getting too upset talking about them.

"You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but what happened to your mom's dance studio after she died?" He asked me politely. I decided it's okay to talk about them.

"It went to her best friend after she died. A few years later some teenagers lit it on fire in the middle of the night and it burned to the ground." I say, remember that year.

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