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"c'mon sweet love," i tug on the leash of blackjacks puppy which was a small teacup brown maltese.

the thing is adorable but i'd never imagine a man like him owning a tiny puppy like that.

"honeybun, come on." i say.

yeah, the names honeybun and he named it. he's such a softie sometimes but i don't like him very much because i'm walking his dog.

but it's not like i have jobs to do since i'm on the down low and since mike is here and i don't need this getting to him.

i think honeycomb is better.

"honeycomb." i whistle as she looks up at me.

i smirk, "honeycomb..." i sing and start walking again as she follows.

i come to a stop and she follows. smiling, i call out, "honeybun," i start walking but she doesn't move.

blackjack's going to die knowing it's her name problem that's why she doesn't listen.

"honeycomb," i snap my fingers and walk as she follows.

i giggle and bend down to her to hold her into my arms, "you are adorbs!" i kiss her fur and stand up again as she nuzzles into my touch.

"let's go poop all over blackjacks shoes now." i say and take her back to the bar where she is staying for now since blackjack is apparently making honeycomb her own spot.

he says he's considering a princess castle house for her. i say yes but he said he's also considering a frozen ice castle.

he's out of his mind over this little thing.

walking back to the bar with a grin, she knocks on the metal door once she reaches it and blackjack slides open the small hole.

"my little honeybun!" he smiles widely and opens the door without even bothering to ask for a password.

"it's honeycomb now. it's why she wasn't responding to anyone, she hated the name." i say and walk past him to go upstairs.

"how do you know?" he asks as i grin and set honeycomb on the ground once i'm on the second floor.

"honeybun." i whistle and walk as i snap my fingers.

the small puppy doesn't move and only sits there in confusion.

i repeat my actions, "honeycomb."

she perks up, giving me soft bark and follows me.

turning back, i kneel down to pick her up to meet a very silent blackjack, "see. it's the name." i smirk, "and this baby picked her own name herself. such a good girl." i tap her nose as blackjack grabs her from my arms with an eye roll.

"c'mere!" blackjack smiles as honeycomb licks his face.

he walks away with a laugh making me roll my eyes at their cuteness and head over to the bar.

atlas slides me a drink, "just for you." he smirks as i grab it without a thought and chug the whole thing done.

"damn, that's good." i tell him as he smiles, "i made it."

i pat his head, "i know." i smile as his smile grows and he goes to make another drink.

i turn my head around and sees sky and blaze cuddling together on another booth as per usual.

and they say they aren't dating.

diamond walks over to me, "im going out with ace. meet you at the warehouse in 2 hours."

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