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meetings this morning were shit.

now i have a quick break before my next meeting. i ate a quick ass lunch in this hour, so i really got no shit to do.

i mean, i could walk around chicago. it's been quite a while since i have been here honestly.

heading down the unfamiliar street, i look around and try to find something interesting to do.

jasper headed back to hawkins just an hour ago after eating his so called amazing ice cream. it's literally just ice cream, there's no fucking difference between it here and back in hawkins.

maybe i should try it.

to prove him wrong, of course.

he mentioned it was on main... and where the fuck am i? shit, i'm a street away so turn... left??

jesus fuck, all this to prove his ass wrong. but i'll do it, to prove a mother fucking point.

soon, i arrive down main street, then i walk down the street and soon i get meet with the famous ice cream parlour.

it doesn't look special. it's literally a fucking ice cream store.

i walk in and i notice a group of girls turn back and look at me, ice cream all over their mouths. attempting to hold back a laugh, i roll up my sleeves and head to the counter as the girls scramble to clean up.

i look up at the menu, checking what they had and gosh, they had a bunch of different kinds.

el would've loved this.

then i see something. rainbow dinosaur ice cream yogurt? what the hell?

i know el would've wanted to try it so i will just to tell her all about this.

i can't wait to see her face when i tell her about this stupid freaking dessert.

as i finish looking at the menu, i go up to order and a man serves me, "what would you like today?" he grumbles, looking me up and down.

"the.." i look up at the menu to recall the name, "rainbow dinosaur ice cream yogurt."

"uh, sorry thats unavailable." he tells me with a shrug and i snap my head up at him, "why the hell not!?"

"because the girl who makes it ain't here." he explains simply.

"then you make it." i order him.

i have to eat it and tell el all about this shit.

"i can't make it because i once did and i almost got sued. people say she makes it best but fucking el thought it was a good idea to ditch her shift." he says and i furrow my eyebrows at the mention of the name, "el?"

"yes, el. what, you know her? if you do, you call that girl and you drag her ass back here. now the fuck do you want because i can only scoop ice cream and make frozen yogurt." he says as i stutter.

it wouldn't be a coincidence right? no, it's a coincidence. maybe it's a elle. not a el.

fucking hell, i don't want this shitty as ice cream no more.

"yeah, i'm good." faking a smile, i head out of the ice cream parlour and head back down where i came from.

but little did i know that if i had just stayed for a second more, my whole life would've changed.


"look who fucking finally showed up," kingston grumbles, "the hell were you!?"

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