chapter 5

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"How do I know if the book is going to be a good one?"

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Author's POV


The same Monday morning was a different one for someone else. It was Sameeha's first day at Lakeside University Hospital. She finished up her final registration formalities and received her ID badge, along with other things. She left the chief of surgery room after having a talk with her. Even after receiving the direction guide from the chief, Sameeha was lost finding her way to the main nurse's station on the ground floor.

She successfully found it, based on the signboards. Of course, she could only do it after getting help from a few people on the way.

"These are the patient's chart you were asking for. It's already linked to you, so you can access them through your account now." The nurse behind the counter taught Leah how to use the Electronic Health Records (EHR) via the tablet.

"Thanks for that. Now, tell me what you know about the cardiothoracic surgeons here." As any new employee would do at a new workplace, she asked in order to get the layout of the situation here.

"There are 3 attendings, including the department head Professor Bharath. 2 fellows, 4 residents. In my opinion, there is only thing you should know, and that is Dr. Gautham Ashokkumar. You are very fortunate to be on his team, instead of the other two." The nurse's eyes became more vibrant as the conversation about workplace changed to Dr. Gautham Ashokkumar.

"Aren't you speaking of him so highly?" Sameeha was amused at the nurse's reaction. It is very rare for her to see a nurse held such high regard of a doctor.

"As I should. This may sound too much, but he is 'The heart of cardiology' in this hospital. Sure, he doesn't talk that much ... or smile but he's just so dreamy."

The compliments did not just stop there. The nurse went on and on about his dashing appearance and the heart melting, coolness he never lack of. His calm and soft personality makes him more mysterious, which draws them into him.

Sameeha bid goodbye to her newfound friend-slash-colleague. As she walked, the name kept running through her mind. It sounded familiar, yet she can't remember it.

Sameeha turned away from the nurse's station and was on her way to the elevator. Just as she was about to turn around the corner to the elevator, a tall figure came right toward her. She was ready to say sorry and move away, but that person wasn't just anyone. Her eyes widened, capturing the scene in front of her.

"Gautham Ashokkumar?" It finally dawned on her,why previously the name had rung a bell to her.

"Oh! Sameeha it's you!" An equally excited voice came out of the male.

"I had no idea you worked here. Heck, I thought you were still in London. When did you come back?" She was extremely shocked by his presence here.

"I transferred from the UK just this year. I'm the new attending cardiothoracic surgeon." His words just made Sameeha confirm that she is indeed working with him.

Before the woman can say anything further, Gautham beat her to it with his question, "What are you doing in the hospital? Are you okay?"

"Right, allow me to properly introduce myself." Sameeha cleared her throat and took one step back, offering her hand to shake formally. "Good morning, Dr. Gautham Ashokkumar. I'm Sameeha, assigned to your team as the new NP."

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