The First Day of Being Single

Start from the beginning

I was the muse of Saint Laurent but I still worked in other aspects of the fashion industry. This particular billboard was from a shoot I had with Tiffany and Co. and on the bottom were the words "A Brand New Woman, Rosé Park." It was as if the world was ready to welcome me as a single woman.

I couldn't help but smile again. Everyone in the city of Seoul could see this poster. They'll see me as a brand new woman. I loved the sound of that.

Jumping out of my daydream, I picked up my phone vibrating in the seat next to me. As soon as I pressed the phone to my ear, there was screaming and yelling from the other end.

"Our girl's finally divorced!!"

"Congratulations, Rosie!!!"

I laughed, "Thank you, thank you."

"What are you up to now? Going home?"

"I've got no other schedule for the day so yes. I'll be home soon."

"No! Don't go home yet! Meet us at the karaoke bar on Brookside!"

"Ah, but I don't feel like karaoke in the middle of the day-"

"Shut up and meet us there, okay?!"

I sighed, "Ugh, fine. I'll head there right now."

"Okay, see you!" The called ended quickly and I told my driver my new destination. In no time, I entered the bar and found my friends in a private room. No bodyguards needed because this place already had security.

"Here comes the woman of the day! Our Rosie~" My friend, Jennie, came over with a drink in her hand and hugged me tightly. "Thank god you're free from him. We all hated your husband."

"Hey..." my other friend, Jisoo, warned, "Ex husband."

"Rosé!" the last friend in the room called and held my shoulders, "Don't ever get married again, got it? It's just not worth it."

"Lisa! You can't just tell people that!" Jisoo said and dragged Lisa away from me.

Jennie took me too and we sat down on the couches together. She handed me a shot glass and I held it with concern.

"It's the late afternoon, why are we drinking already?" I asked and put it down but Jennie didn't let me.

"We've all cleared our schedules for you and we're staying here until midnight whether you like it or not so drink!" she said and clinked her glass with mine. Together, we took a shot and the liquid burned its way down my throat.

"Oh god, that's worse than tequila," I complained with a strained voice and wiped my lip with the back of my hand.

"It's supposed to be. It's vodka," she replied and pet my head.

I frowned at her, "Why are you like this?" I joked and she handed me a glass. "Is this water?"

"Does beer look like water to you?" Lisa asked and sat down on the other side of me. She took the glass away and drank it for herself, "You can ask for some water outside."

"I'll go do that," I said and Jisoo stood up with me.

"I'll come with."

I linked my arm in hers and left the room. We walked down the hall towards a staff member and ordered a few glasses of water. We also had a look at the food menu and ordered a meal. I didn't have a big lunch so I was pretty much starving.

After ordering, we thanked the staff but as I turned to leave, Jisoo held me back. "Let's sit here and talk for awhile. Those two won't miss us," she suggested and we sat down in the lounge area. Jisoo was staring at me, a simple smile was on her lips.

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