Start from the beginning

"Okay, so now is lunch time?" Vivi asked, watching every student rushing towards the cafeteria.

"Yep" I nodded.

She looked at me, with a raised brow "You wanna go there?"

My thoughts instantly traveled to the past. When I was sitting with the Cullens in the cafeteria, laughing and joking. Jasper's arm protectively around me, Alice's laughter surrounding us, Rosalie's little smirks and eyerolls along with Emmett's idiotic comments. All of it made me feel like I finally belonged.

Like I wasn't alone...

"No" I responded curtly, before looking away from the cafeteria entrance to focus on Vivi's not so familiar brown eyes "How about we go outside? Have a smoke?"

Genevieve stuffed her hands in the pockets of her cream blazer and shrugged "Sure, we can go"

I nodded and with that led us outside with some other students, who decided to spend their lunch break outside. My gaze went over the parking lot, causing me to curse as I saw the Cullens outside by their cars.

Great. We'll have an audience.

We stopped on the other side of the parking lot near a trash can, so that we could later throw out the cigarettes there.

As Vivi passed me a cigarette, my finger instantly went up to light it up with magic. But Genevieve stopped me by, handing me a lighter.

"Human, Dora. We are human"

I blushed and lit up my cigarette with the lighter "Oh, yeah. Kinda got carried away"

Vivi snorted and shook her head, making her golden braids sway gently "What would you do without me, babe?"

"Probably off myself in Chemistry" I answered with a sharp grin.

She shook her head and chuckled "Oh, babe you were ready to do it with me there"

"No, no, no" I said shaking my head "I was ready to burn down the classroom. So that's different"

Genevieve laughed "You're crazy, Dora"

I bowed and said "Thank you"

"But you know who's crazier than you?" she asked, already grinning.

"Carlos" we said together, pointing out cigarettes at each other with a laugh.

When we finished smoking, Vivi glanced at her watch saying "We still have some time... how about we go to that cafeteria?"

Glancing around the parking lot, I frowned "Cullens are there... they always go in a bit later than others. To make an entrance"

"So what? We'll make an entrance of our own and we'll go sit far away from them" Genevieve said with a shrug.

Swallowing down my anxiety, I nodded "Y-Yeah. Let's go..."

Vivi smiled and took my hand, briefly to give it an encouraging squeeze "You'll be fine. It's all just for a few more months... after that you can go as far away from them as you wish"

I smiled back at her and with that together we headed towards the cafeteria.

We entered by the outside entrance, instantly causing everybody to stop and stare at us.

Huh. So that's how they always feel.

Ignoring all of them, I confidently headed towards one of the last empty tables with Genevieve at my side.

When we sat down, I glared at all the people still staring while Vivi just raised her brow at them.

"The staring... these people have a serious problem with it" she commented.

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