The Beginning Of Journey

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Currently you were walking through the forest in the boy's getup.
Why you may wonder?
Well the reason is going to another city as a little vulnerable girl was not that safe according to your parents .. So you just disguised yourself as boy.. So that no one think that you are weak or something.

On the way to the city, suddenly your stomach grumbled ,
indicating you that, you have not had anything since morning as it was already around 5 in the evening.

Being all tired and hungry you thought that, you should find some fruits to eat first.
You started wondering here and there in the search of fruits, forgetting the time and the way you have to go..

Half an hour was passed and you were not able to find anything, when suddenly you spotted a small lake surrounded by some big trees,
Unknown of the fact that you are already very deep in the forest, you cheered along as you ran towards the lake.

You sat down in the hope to fulfill your stomach as well as your empty bottle with the water of the lake.

You first filled the bottle and started drinking from it.. The tasteless water was flavoury this time.. It was like you were having the most expensive food in the whole world...

But before you can savour the taste of the sweet water a bit more, suddenly an arrow passed from your left and stumbled a upon a big tree, gasping at the sudden loud voice your bottle fell down from you hand sliding directly into the lake. Before you can do anything another arrow passed from your right side just some centimetres aside from you..
You shivered from fear as you looked at the way the arrows were coming.. Looking at a man, around his 40 in a grey heavy dress.. Continuously targeting for you.

At first you had doubts that he may be trying to hunt something else but no... It was you ! Who he wants to kill.

Before you can react or run away, he again raised his bow targeting directly on your heart.

Was that all? Your end? You didn't thought you were gonna die this soon? You couldn't even fill your promise of finding your sister's parents..

You closed your eyes, waiting for the arrow to hit you, when suddenly, you felt something or maybe someone, grabbing your both hands or maybe hugging you and pushing your body towards right side and
*dhab* you fell down.. It all happened in miniseconds.

When reality hitted you,
The feeling of the other person's body was long gone..
You opened the eyes only to see a
Girl in whole black clothes fighting with the man who wanted to kill you. They both were using sword.

The man was highly skilled but the girl was on the level of his master.. The match ended in some min, when the girl made that man unconscious.

You got up from the ground and noticed one another girl coming from behind the tree and hugging that girl.. Telling her, how great she was..

Then she looked at me, and asked me..

The girl from behind the trees : hey, umm are you OK?

Y/n : uh, yeah, thankyou so much for your help..

The girl from behind the tree : well I am jyungeon and she is my friend tiana we were just going from here.. When we heard the sound of arrows so we came here.

Y/n : oh hello, jyungeon and tiana.. Its pleasure meeting you..
My name is y/.... Uhm Alex..
Well can I ask you a question jyungeon?

Jyungeon : sure go ahead!

Y/n : well why is your friend so silent?

Jyungeon : uh actually, she don't like talking to boys much..

Tiana : specially weak ones!
*she said as she started walking*

Y/N's pov.

Looks like i passed in disguising myself.

Y/n : btw where are you both heading too?

Jyungeon : to city!
*She said cheerfully*

Y/n : oh wow! I m going there too, can we go together?

Tiana : no tha...

Jyungeon pressing her hand on tiana's mouth..

Jyungeon : sure you can! The more the people, the better it getd.

And that's how your journey goes on

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