The First of the Feels

Start from the beginning

At that point, I didn't even know what was going on with myself. My brain sent words for my mouth to say but my mouth decided not to say them in the right order. And I didn't even know what my body was doing because the next thing I knew, my arms were around this guy's neck and I was just hugging him. I remembered him smelling very nice. Just like a YSL cologne I've smelt before. Just like... my ex...

He got up from the seat and walked me somewhere not far from the bar.

"Where're we going?" I mumbled, still clinging onto him like my life depended on it.

I felt the back of my leg hit something and he tipped forward, falling onto me as I sat into a couch. Somehow his hand ended up between my legs and when I let go of his neck to realize it, I slapped him across the face.

"I told you I'm not dumb!" I said and pointed a finger at him. Suddenly, I felt a little more sober and my vision was clearer.

"I know, I know! I'm sorry about that. I wasn't trying anything. I wanted to bring you to the couch, that's all," he explained with his hands in slight surrender to my pointed finger and angry face. "Do you have a friend you could call to come get you? Or should I get you a cab?"

"I can't take a cab," I replied stubbornly and crossed my arms. "I'm not allowed to." I'd be too dangerous to make that mistake again.

He sat down on the chair next to mine, "Right.. So calling a friend is the only option. Can I get your phone?"

"Are you not going to ask why?" I asked him. Most people ask me why I wasn't allowed to take cabs. There's a viable reason for this rule.

"Why what?" He tilted his head and scrunched his eyebrows slightly. I admired the light brown colour of his eyes in the dim lighting of the bar. They looked almost hazel. And his nose made an attractive arch above his notably plump and pink lips that curled into a smirk the longer I stared. "I see you've regained the ability to focus those beautiful eyes of yours. Am I much to admire?"

I looked away almost immediately after being caught. I guess his raspy voice had me off guard. I didn't know what to reply with so I stayed quiet from the overthinking that was going on in my head.

A waitress came over and handed him a drink. He smiled at her and even watched her walk away. I'd complain that all men were like that but I caught myself watching her too and mentally compared myself. Did other people watch me like that as well?

"You know... you remind me of someone," he said.

We made eye contact again and he made sure to distract me with a subtle lip bit. "Who's this someone?" I asked, pretending to care for his answer. He must've seen me on a magazine or a storefront... I was the muse of Saint Laurent and a model for Tiffany and Co. so my picture could be seen around town on things like billboards and such.

"I don't know." He leaned forward in his seat and narrowed his eyes at me. "You remind me of my future wife, I guess."

Was it a thing for bad pick up lines to sober someone up as fast as a nap? My mind was feeling a lot less cloudy already and that prepared me to break his heart without mumbling.

"I am not looking for anything. If what's running through your head is how you'll get me into to bed, it's not going to happen. I am not interested."

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