Chapter Twenty-Three ~ Meditation ~ Part One

Start from the beginning

What about her other new friends? Could she trust Tajana? She'd like to think so. The Spectrum Scholar had fed orphans, though she had needed to sneak out of the halls in order to do so. Regardless, it seemed like the type of thing a genuinely good person would do. She had felt so drawn to Tajana when she had first met her. There had to be a reason for that feeling of nostalgia. Tajana had felt it too. If only she could see Tajana right now, but she needed to follow her schedule.

What about Chadwick, she wondered as she kept walking. Could she trust him? He was researching a legend that centered around the idea of stealing the Keeper's secrets. It certainly seemed like the type of thing a Shadow Chemist would do. She wanted to be friends with him, but she didn't know if she could ever grow to trust him. Maybe she should ask Tajana how she felt about her own Protégé. But who knew when she'd be able to see Tajana again.

Everything was starting to feel so hopeless. Just as she finally arrived at the Crowning Chamber, she realized that she could give up her Spectrum Vestments and go back to her dorm where she'd be safe. She could forget everything and run away. But she'd be letting herself fail if she did that. Could she really give up on herself like that?

Before she could decide what to do, the people behind her swept her up in the crowd and ushered her into the room. The library tables had been moved off to the sides. A large group of Chemists and Alchemists with vests and robes of all colors filled the Chamber. They all milled about, finding places to meditate and setting up zafu cushions or Conjuring Alchemical clouds.

She hesitantly descended the stairs and looked about for someone she knew. Despite the giant crowd in the room, she felt so vulnerable.

"Excuse me," someone said, coming up behind Thea and touching her shoulder gently. She jumped and spun around to see Hulan, Todd's friend from the Roots yesterday. "Oh, sorry to startle you."

Thea sighed and shook her head at the Chemist in his blue Chandler Vest. The boy had a worried look on his face. "It's fine. What's wrong?"

Hulan sighed heavily and said, "No one can find Todd. Have you seen him lately?"

"What?" She felt the blood rush out of her face. "He's missing?"

Hulan nodded. "Nobody I've talked to has seen him since breakfast."

"Since breakfast?" she blurted, feeling her pulse quicken. "He wasn't at lunch?"

Hulan shook his head. "Here, come with me. We're going to meet up with Desmond." Hulan motioned for Thea to follow him, and he ventured into the large Crowning Chamber, scanning the crowd. It seemed hopeless to find anyone in this crowd, but somehow Hulan led them straight to Desmond. "Des!" he shouted, waving his hand at Desmond, who sat on the floor near a fountain.

"Hey! Have you seen Todd?" Desmond stood and pushed his way through the crowd to walk up to them.

Thea shook her head, her gut swimming with worry. "Hulan said you haven't seen him since breakfast?" she asked.

Desmond nodded. "He ate with us and then left to go to his first lesson. I have a lesson with him at ten o'clock, but he didn't show. He wasn't at lunch either. We've started asking around, but no one has seen him."

Thea nodded. "We had our first lesson in the Modicum Rotunda, and, well, we were only there for about ten minutes maybe, because I finished my lesson really quickly. Then we came here and watched some Elemental Sparring. I left him here to go to my next lesson around 8:45, I guess?"

"Maybe someone in his Sparring Cohort saw him. Do you know who is in his Cohort?" Hulan asked.

"Um ... Joella, Meris, ... Santiago, Tajana, Keisukei, and ... Will," Desmond said.

Thea felt a spark of excitement when she realized that she knew where Tajana would be when meditation ended, so she could ask her about Todd.

"Maybe we should go talk to them?" Hulan said.

Desmond nodded. "Let's split up and see who we can find."

Hulan nodded and looked back at Thea. "I know you don't know anyone in Todd's Cohort. And Meditation is about to start. You can just go to your private Meditation Lesson. We'll find Todd, alright? Don't worry."

Thea bit her lip. If she told them where Tajana would be, she'd be breaking her trust with her new friend. She decided to keep it to herself and nodded. She would need to go ask Tajana about Todd after meditation ended.

Suddenly, a loud bell rang out, and the voices of the gathered Chemists and Alchemists died down. Everyone settled into various meditation poses, all facing the far side of the Crowning Chamber, where a group of Alchemists dressed in golden robes stood on the Mezzanine.

A female Alchemist held her hands up, and in a strong voice, she said, "Thank you for joining us for meditation. No matter how fast your life is moving around you, there is always a place for stillness. Shall we begin?" She looked at the other Alchemists standing with her, and they took out brass singing bowls from their robes. In unison, they all struck the rims of the brass bowls with black mallets.

The large Crowning Chamber practically vibrated with the sounds of the mallets circling the rims of the singing bowls. Underneath the calming sound, Thea could hear the trickling water from the fountains. A few Alchemists standing with the group began to chant OM.

Thea felt very out of place. Where was her private Guru? She scanned the room and noticed a man standing up on the Mezzanine toward the entrance to the Crowning Chamber. He wore violet robes, with short black hair and a plain face. Oddly enough, the man was barefoot. He gazed up the hallway, seemingly waiting for someone. Could that be her Guru?

She carefully made her way across the room to the Guru up on the Mezzanine walkway, carefully stepping around every Alchemist and Chemist on her way. When the Guru's eyes met hers, he beckoned for her to come forward.

"Althea Presten?"

She nodded wordlessly.

"I am Guru Ellhorn," he said as he came down the steps toward her. "I will guide you in meditation and help you rejuvenate after your long morning and ensure that you are ready for the rest of your day. An Initium such as yourself will have plenty to learn. Shall we begin?" The man motioned for her to follow him into a small private area below the Mezzanine.

She froze. If she followed this Shadow Alchemist into the private chamber, who knew what would happen.

Guru Ellhorn held up his hand and waved her in. "Please, we must begin."

If she refused to attend her lesson, she would lose her Spectrum Scholar vest. Would they expel her from Blackthorn and Burtree? She would have nowhere to go. The thought made her breathe a sigh of frustration. She followed the Guru into the private room.

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