chapter five | family

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We are now all sitting in an office going over the will. After everything finally caught up to me I broke down and it took me a while to pull myself together.

So far, in the will, the house is in my name since my dad owned it before they all moved in. I get the money from my dad's bank accounts and they get the money from their moms. It gets split five ways for the joint account.

Walking out of the executor's office I head straight to the airport and catch a flight to San Diego. I can't do this I just need to get back home. This is no longer my home, without my dad, it's just a city. What am I supposed to do?

For Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring break what am I going to do? Just sit in my dorm room?

I ended up falling asleep pretty quickly into the flight. By the time I awoke the plane was already sitting on the runway. The woman sitting next to me woke me up, therefore all I had to do was grab my suitcase and exit the plane.

I ordered an Uber outside of the airport I get in and go back to my dorm.

I don't know what I was thinking about leaving. I've been the one who was horrible to everyone else during this entire time. It's just that having those keys in my hand and the money in my bank account, something in me snapped.

I lay in my bed until I fall asleep from pure exhaustion. When I wake up it's 5:30, but because of how early I fell asleep I know that I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep.

I get up and do my hair and makeup. I just straightened my hair and added some mascara and concealer to my face. I then put on black leggings with white high-top converse and a hoodie that's about 7 sizes too big on me.

After I eat breakfast it's about 8:30 I decide to go over to Ariana's apartment and talk to her for a little bit. I knock on the door and as it opens I see Oliver standing there with furrowed brows looking confused.

"Is Ari up yet?" I ask him, he nods and tells me to go to her room. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Ariana asks me in a condescending tone. I already know that I should not be here- My conscience reminds me. "I don't know, I inherited the house from my dad, and everything was just too much so I ran," I explain, we'll aware that I sound like a dick.

"Ok, first of all, calm down. For once I'm going to be serious." She stops and takes a breath before continuing with "Listen, you've been through a lot, and fast. It's normal to feel drained as you do. I'm not saying that flying across the country was the best option but you panicked, and that's okay."

"I know but I just-" I pause and just breathe for a second. "I don't know. I don't even know what I'm feeling right now." I finish.

"It's okay, you need time to deal with the pain. But, you will get over it. You shouldn't be trying not to think about it though. That is not good for you. How about you, me and lia have a girls' day?" She asks me.

"Yes, that sounds great. Man, we have not had an actual girls day in ages" I realize and tell Ariana. "Agreed. So I'm thinking nails, then hair, and then we go to tonight's football game at the stadium?" Ari clarifies the plan with me.

"Yeah, that sounds good" I verify with her. "Okay, let's head to the hair salon Amelia is going to meet us there." Ariana finishes.

We step out of the car when we pull into the salon shop and head inside. Ariana made sure that they could take the three of us right by each other today. "So, what can I do for you, Miss?" The hairstylist asked me.

"Could you just trim it a little? A little bit as possible please?" I ask her, politely. "Of course, miss." She replies in a professional tone.

"Please, it's just Alexis. Thank you though." I end the conversation.

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