A Damianette story Chapter 26

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Hi guys once again sorry for not updating im really busy soon this book will be done... Thanks for reading and voting on this book i hope u enjoy this chapter !


Damian whined annoying plagg about why they cant go back to earth  and that hell is boring, boring?! questioned plagg ha u will see boring in a while we always have a feast up here.A feast?? he asked " of course we fight and burn in the fire you know that type of stuff said plagg grining. Well  we angels need to go back to heaven to go to the gala of the return princess  and her lost daughter yes you heard right the system have changed they no longer willing to disect us because we mean no harm said tiki jumping up and down. Can i go with you said damian in bright eyes wishing he would not have to stay here with this pest .

No sorry dami , you cant come because your now a devil and you guys arent allowed up there  you could be in so much trouble with the gods.He sighed in response,i dont wanna stay here with him said plagg in disgusted  , TSK as if i wanna stay here with you  old pest.

UGH! plagg flew away and tiki gazed in awe at his red wings.

They both flew away to heaven while damain remained standing sad. All the bad things he did and how he treated his brothers hit him like a brick in the chest and he kneeled down and sobbed

he missed his brothers even bruced, he miss  his friends and even the teachers that annoyed him the most.

All what he did in his life flashed before his eyes and all the good memories drifted away replacing bad memories.

Depression took over him and the devil smiled let the burning begin his voice boomed from the hidden cave as the chains rattled when it touched the ground.

Damain body started burning, those things he did hurt him badly he could feel the burning sensation and started screaming along with other devils.

His last words he said before he fainted was.


A Damianette story (marinette dupaincheng x damain wayne )Where stories live. Discover now