So, it Begins

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Ripper lay there unconscious in a little puddle of blood. He was blown off of a cliff by an INGEN soldier firing a rocket at him. He had now been out for a couple of days. 

Ripper moaned as he slowly came to consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes sleepily. "Ugh," Ripper groaned. "What happened?" he asked himself. He lifted his head up and looked around. He saw that he was in a forest, he looked behind him and saw a side of a cliff. He looked up and saw where he fell from. "Oh, that's what happened," Ripper said dumbfounded. "I fell off a cliff after getting launched by a rocket," mumbled Ripper. "How am I still alive?" he asked himself astonished. 

I would ask you the same thing.

"Oh, it's you," snarled Ripper. 

Yes, now, apparently you survived, and didn't bleed out like I thought you would. 

"You have a problem with that?" asked Ripper snarling. 

Ripper then moved his four limbs in position and tried to stand up, his legs were shaking as he did so aching from the pain. Blood didn't gush out as hard as it did before, Ripper took notice of this and was surprised. "I-I'm healing," he said astonished. Ripper started to move forward one limb at a time. He winced from the pain. How long have I been out Ripper thought to himself. Two, three days? He walked through the forest limping, he looked up and saw the sun shining its rays down on him. It warmed him to see this sight. The sun shining over all the land bringing light, warmth, and life. "I need to find something to eat," Ripper growled hungrily.

Ripper started sniffing the air trying to catch a scent. He didn't smell copper, nor' gunpowder. Ripper let out a sigh of relief knowing that there are no humans anywhere near him. He sniffed the air again, this time he got something. A Troodon? he thought to himself. As he did so he noticed some rustling in the plants. Out of curiosity he crept on forward to where the movement happened. The smell was getting stronger now. He crouched down leaning his head forward to the source and saw a tail turn around and run off. "Yup, it's a Troodon," growled Ripper hungrily. Ripper started running after it, the Troodon was too fast for Ripper. The Troodon soon was way ahead of Ripper. "It's my wounded state, isn't it?" he said obviously perturbed that he couldn't run quickly enough. He slowed down and came to a stop, he sniffed the air and the scent was still there. It stopped running, he thought. He started to slowly creep on towards the scent, growling faintly. The Troodon was just standing there chirping. Ripper stopped hidden in the plants staring at it, waiting. He then sprang forward running towards it. The Troodon saw this and quickly started running, Ripper caught up running at a faster pace and snatched it with his jaws on its tail. He quickly came to a stop with his claws sliding across the dirt picking up dust. The force of the stop caused the Troodon to fall onto its side. It quickly tried to get up but Ripper kept his hold on the tail and slammed it down. The Troodon thrashed around violently trying to get out of his grasp but soon went limp as Ripper dug his claws into its underbelly. The blood spilled out onto his claws coating it clean with a shiny red substance. "Finally something to eat," Ripper said relieved. Ripper tore into its underbelly tearing out flesh devouring it up hungrily, blood dripping from his maw staining the grass below him a crimson red. Once Ripper was finished he looked back at the corpse and saw all that was left of the Troodon. A fresh kill he thought, this was Ripper's first time hunting and was satisfied with his success.

(Elsewhere in Henry Wu's lab)

He sat there in his leather chair, at his white desk sitting in a room full of white. The only colors other than white in his room were the black of his leather chair, the black of his hair, and the fleshy color of his skin. His eyes stared straight ahead. Cold. It seemed that he was thinking, deeply, about something. He was hunched over his desk, every strand of his hair perfectly in place. His hands folded in front of him laying on his desk. It was almost as if he was waiting for something.

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