Chapter- 13

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It's been a year since my trip to Seoul. I had been so busy with my exam prep the whole year I had literally no time to myself. Sometimes I used to go into deep thoughts about how amazing Seoul was and the culture of South Korea. And well not to forget my 'unexpected encounter' that every Army dreams of. Well I'm not an Army per se cause that takes a lot of dedication and a lot of love towards BTS, but sometimes I do wonder how sweet Taehyung was given the circumstances even to me a nobody and him being a world wide celebrity. I totally understand why they've been so lucky and why people love him so much. It's not just for his looks but his kind and sweet nature.
Sometimes I just sit at my desk procrastinating and all these moments would play like a short film in front of my eyes as I sit as I stare into the sunset from my window.

It was around 8 pm. My house was in a ruckus. My elder cousin sister's marriage was within 2 months and me, Alsihka and my other cousins and friends have been practicing for our dance performance at her sangeet. We have been rehearsing since 6 pm but still are not at all in sync.

" Arrrgghhh. This is stupid. I'm not getting this part. I'm fed up. I need a break." Alishka cried out loud
" Come on Alishka... I can't make it simpler than this. And you're always on your damn phone and not paying attention to the steps. Go now. Take five until then we'll try to do it once more from the top." I said fed of her constant whining.
Alishka went over and plopped herself on the couch behind us and was doing something again on her phone.
" Let's take it from the top. 5...6... a 5 6 7 8" I said counting along the beats.
" OHHH MYYYY GOOOODD! Oh my god!Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!" I heard a loud squeal from behind.
I looked over behind to witness Alishka squealing and jumping with her phone in her hand.
" What is it Alishka? What happened? Why are you screaming and jumping like you're crazy." I asked annoyed at her sudden outburst which has again disrupted the rehearsal and lead to taking more time.
" Oh my God Y/N I can't believe this. Look at this and tell me it's true and I'm not dreaming" She said while shoving her phone into my face.
" Calm down. What's the big deal? Let me see it." Riya my cousin said and grabbed the phone from her.
" Ummmm let's see...... What! What! Is this true? It is verified right?" Riya's eyes widened with excitement as she asked this.
" I know right. Even I can't believe it. It's on Big Hit's official Instagram account." Alishka said.
" What is it.?" I asked still clueless.
" BTS is going to have a concert here. In Mumbai. Can you believe it? Big Hit has announced there official tour details. And for the first time ever it's in India too." Alishka said still in a high pitched tone and out of breath.
" What. Show it to me." I said grabbing the phone to check if it was for real.
" BTS World Tour. And in that below the 10th destination I saw it written: Mumbai !"
Riya and Alishka are hugging each other and squealing as I stood there speechless.
" Alishka we have to book the tickets as soon as it goes live. Thank god I have my savings for this day. I never thought this day would come." Riya said
" Yes yes I have saved up too. We hand to get our hands on the tickets as soon as we can or else it'll get sold out in a minute." Alishka said.. They both had started planning on what and how they're going to go to the concert.

" Wow. A BTS concert. I'll have to go now. Before going to Seoul this wouldn't have mattered to me much. But now that I've promised Taehyung that I would go at least once to their concert. I owe him one. Not that he would remember me or any of this. It's been a year. But I've given my word..." I was lost in my train of thought and all those moments and the weird feeling I had when I was with him came back again and hit me like a truck.
" Y/N. Y/N!" Alishka called out to me shaking me and bringing me back to reality.
" You'll come with us too na? Come on ! You have a history with them or might I say one of them." She said teasingly reminding me again of the unexpected encounter while nudging me with her shoulder.
" What! What history?." Riya asked. I widened my eyes at Alishka as to reprimanding her for her stupid comment. We hadn't told anybody else the fact that I had met Taehyung when in Seoul. And I preferred it to stay that way.
" Ummm. Nothing Riya. You know how she is. Blabbering all the time. And Yes I would like to come when is it?" I asked trying to divert the topic.
" On the 11th of November. 11/11. Wow that's a nice date. Kind of like our wishes have been granted or somebody's wish to go to a BTS concert was granted." Alishka said.
" Wait a min. What did you say?" I asked again.
" That a our wishes have been granted." Alishka said
" No. Before that?." I asked again.
" 11/11." Alishka said
" Yeah that. 11/11. Hold your horses. As in the 11th of November. That's two months from now." I said.
" Yes Y/N. Why are you repeating what I just said again. Are you okay? Are you still in disbelief or in your dreamland." Alishka asked. Trying to tease me.
" Idiot. It's on the 11th of November. The same day of Aayushi Di's sangeet. We can't go to the concert. We have to attend the sangeet." I said blankly.
" What! Nooooooo! That's not possible. This can't be happening. We are this close. Nooo! Can we just not go to the sangeet. I'm sure we can make up an excuse." Alishka said.
" Yes. Yes. It's not like we're getting married. My future baby daddy will be at the concert dancing on the stage. Do you really think I care about our this stupid performance on stage. I would rather go to the concert." Riya said.
" Okay. First thing Ewww don't call them your 'baby daddy' that's gross. And second in no way in the world you could skip the Sangeet for the concert if you don't want to be killed by Aayushi Di or Mom and Dad or any of our parents." I said to both of them.
"B...but" Riya said.
" No she is is right. Aayushi Di will literally kill us if we try to pull something like this. I knew it was too good to be true. Arrggghh. Again I was this close and it can't happened." Alishka said banging her fist on the table with dismay.
" You and your dumb analogies of wishes coming true. Everybody else's wishes will be granted except for ours." Riya said and plopped herself on the couch in utter despair.
" Hey. Come on! Cheer up! Come on let's rehearse. It'll take your mind of this." I said trying to lift them up.
" I have no mental or physical strength in me to dance right now Im going." Alishka said getting up and walking towards her bedroom like a zombie with her limbs hanging beside her.
" Me too. I can't. I'm leaving too." Riya also got up and followed Alishka in the same fashion.
" Huh! These girls." I sighed as I plopped on the couch behind.
" Well I can understand their predicament. I'm a bit disappointed too. It would have been fun. The concert. I would've even out the playing field too. Maybe it just wasn't in my destiny. Aah. Taehyung is still one up and seems like it'll remain that way." I thought hanging my head back and releasing a long sigh.

Author's Note:
Hey guys! I'm back. I'm really sorry for the late update. I have been busy. But I promise to bring out the next chapter soon. Thank you so much for your support. Keep supporting and your feedback is appreciated. Please keep me posted on what you think of the story so far?

Thank you 😊

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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I Found You When I Was Lostजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें