Chapter - 8

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I couldn't get good sleep cause my mind was filled with thoughts. I woke up early and had my breakfast. It got around 10 am a reasonable time for me to start trying to reach my phone. Irrespective of the situation I and Alishka had set out for sightseeing.
I decided to try calling my phone expecting for someone to pick it up.
I called my number from Alishka's phone fingers crossed. My phone got connected and started ringing. My heart started beating fast as soon as I heard ringing. Alishka was looking at my blank face with curiousity.
" Its ringing!" I mouthed the words to her.
Her face lit up.
Someone picked up my phone. My heart started beating faster. Well, that's weird why am I getting so worked up over such an insignificant thing.
" Yeoboseyo..." A husky deep voice said on the other side. My heart stopped beating all of a sudden. Wait a second. This voice feels familiar for some reason.
" Hello..." The voice said again. This time my brain was trying to put two and two together...
" H...hello... Hi, I am Y/N the owner of this phone you have right now. Thank you so much for finding it and picking up this call. May I know who's on the other side.?" I said really fast without taking a breath in between. For some reason I was nervous.
" Oh so your name is Y/N. Annyeong Y/N. I know it is you who's trying to reach her phone. I'm V. We met yesterday." He said casually.
Woah... that's when it all came into place. That familiar voice. In all the hustle and bustle of yesterday I had completely forgotten about my brief encounter with V. That's when it striked me that I had left my phone there. My jaw dropped.
Alishka was looking at my rollercoaster of emotions and expression over my face. She was completely clueless. I had forgotten to mention this to her too. Damn!
" Hello... Y/N. You're there?" He said from the other side.
" Umm... Yeah.. Yeah.. I'm sorry." I said stammering.
" Umm... Thank you so much for picking up my phone. How did you know it was mine?" I asked
" You had left this on the bench you were sitting on last night. I found it but it was dead. Then I remembered you saying that your phone's dead. So I understood." He said.
" Well thank you so much for being so thoughtful. I can't thank you enough. Where do I pick up my phone from now... ?" I asked.
" Oh yeah that. Where are you right now?" He asked.
" Im out sightseeing right now." I said
" Oh okay. Where will you be at round 9 pm?" He asked.
" Well we've planned to go to the National Museum Of Korea. So I'll be there." I said
" Oh Great! That's perfect. You'll get your phone then okay? I'm sorry I have to go now. Don't worry you'll get your phone." He said.
" Yes. Thank you so much. And sorry for holding you up for long." I said feeling guilty considering how busy he is.
"Bye Y/N". He hung up.

I took a deep breath of relief and sat down. And I looked up there was Alishka looking at me. Totally puzzled. Her eyebrows perked up gesturing the question what. Waiting for me to give her the summary of the phone call.
Oh damn! How am I going to explain this to her. She is going to totally freak out .
I looked back at her.
" I think you should sit down for this." I said calmly while pulling her down to make her sit next to me.
" What? Why? What happened?" She said while sitting down.
" Promise me you won't freak out?" I said.
" Okay. I promise. I won't. Come on now tell me fast. This suspense is killing me and it doesn't sound good." She said.
" Okay. So here it goes. Remember how I got lost last night?" I said
" Yeah..." Alishka replied.
" So when I got lost I kinda wandered off and ended up in some strange garden." I said
" Okay. Then...?" She asked
" So then I was really tired okay from all the walking so I was resting on the bench over there. Suddenly a little dog came running towards me but there was a pit over there and it was gonna fall into it but I quickly managed to pick it up." I said.
" Okay. Good. Why was the dog alone. Where was it's owner?" She asked.
" Ah! Now that's the interesting part. It's owner came running behind him later. It was.... V." I said really slowly waiting for a reaction. But she didn't react she kept on talking
" Oh good he was with the do..." She paused suddenly. Her expression changed from casual to shocked real quick. " W...wait a minute. Did you just say V!!!?" She asked. Her eyes wide open.
I nodded.
" Like V from the BTS. Kim Taehyung.?" She asked again in disbelief
" Yes" I said while nodding.
" Really? You met V from BTS last night?!" She asked again.
" Yes." I said again.
" What the hell are you talking about? Y/N you're okay right. Are you sick? Is that why you're saying all this nonsense?" She said.
I made a poker face at this question of hers.
" Yeah. I did. Why would I be saying such a ridiculous lie if I hadn't?" I said
" Yeah right. Fair enough . You met the KIM TAEHYUNG aka V of the BTS last night. And you are mentioning this to me now? Urgh!!!" She said a bit yelling.
" Shhhh... keep quiet! People might hear you. Yes I did coincidentally bumped into him last night when I was lost and he was the one who helped me get back to the hotel. And I'm sorry that I didn't tell you this sooner. It slipped out of my mind because of the whole phone situation." I said honestly.
" How can you forget about meeting V! Like seriously where's your head at. Okay whatever. Why are you narrating me this whole story now?" She asked
" Umm.. yeah that. There's another issue. Apparently my phone is with him." I said slowly again waiting for her to react.
" What!!! Are you for real girl. So.. so wait were just right now talking to V on the phone.??!!!" She asked practically about to scream.
" Yesss.... Please don't scream. You need to tone it down. You promised you won't freak out." I said.
" How am I not supposed to freak out at this situation." She started whispering loudly
" Hey it is what it is. I also found out about this now . Now I don't care who he is. I just want my phone back. And I need to go get it." I said blankly. Kind of annoyed by her questions.
" How... how can you not care. It's V. Okaay... let's leave it. Now how are you going to get your phone." She asked
" He said to wait at the National Museum of Korea at around 9 pm and that the phone will reach me. He was kind of in a hurry so I couldn't get the details." I said.
" Oh cool. We're headed there anyways. That's so sweet of him." She said.
" Yeah. I know right." I said. I got up and started walking
Alishka came behind me trying to catch up with me.
" Hey. What if he comes to give you your phone back?" She said
" What?" I scoffed.
" Why would he come here all the way?. He's an idol. He's probably very busy. And moreover its just a stupid phone he'll probably just send some staff or some delivery service or something like that! " I said dismissing her ridiculous analogies.
" Yeaahhh... Probably. You're right. But it's okay to hope for it." She said smiling ear to ear.
" Don't get your hopes up. It's definitely not gonna happen." I say rolling my eyes.
" I'm just relieved I found my phone and I'll get it soon. Come on now let's go eat something. I'm starving." I said leaping forward and trying to change the subject.
" Yaaah! Y/N. Wait for me.!" Alishka shouted from behind.

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