Chapter - 6

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Kim Taehyung's POV:
I was sitting alone in my room with the lights turned off looking out the window. The weather outside seemed so pleasant with cool breeze blowing I felt like going out and enjoying it but since I am an idol I can't just take off and leave. I have to inform my manager about my whereabouts and have to go along with security. Being an idol does garner you love and appreciation from millions of people around the world for which I'm grateful of, but sometimes I do feel like I don't have the freedom to do little things spontaneously that other people my age do. I'm missing out on so many things by being in the public eye. All I want is a few minutes of de-stressing myself.
As I was engrossed in my thoughts I could hear a knock on the door.
" Taehyunga! Taehyunga" the voice came.
It was Jimin. He opened the door and came in leaving the door behind him open ajar.
" Taehyunga... What are you doing here in the dark?" He asked.
I didn't say anything. Didn't have the energy to muster up a reply. I was already feeling so low.
" Ya! What happened?" He asked while sitting next to me on the bed.
" Ahh! Nothing.... Was just thinking about stuff." I said blandly.
" What were you thinking about? Why do you look so low? We have to get going now for a meeting. The manager will be here in 10 mins."
" Ahhhhh...." I got up screaming frustrated.
" Ya! What's the matter with you?" Jimin asked shocked at my reaction.
" This! This is the matter. Why can't I have a little time to myself. Why can't I just get out and take a walk and enjoy the weather whenever I want to like normal people do. Why should there always be managers, bodyguards and a schedule every day to follow. Like I barely have time to even get some sleep. And even that is disturbed. I just want some time to rewind. Is that too much to ask for?" I blurted out loudly throwing all my frustrations on him.
" Ya Taehyunga. You know we can't do that. We are idols. Simple things like that are difficult for us." Jimin replied calmly trying to not agitate me more.
" I know. But its just unfair." I said dejected. Huffing I sat back again next to him.
" Ya..." he said putting his arm around my shoulder as if consoling me.
" Don't be sad okay. See I brought you someone." He said smiling brightly.
The squeaky little barks came first followed by my precious baby squeezing into the room from the slightly open door.
" YEOTAN!!!!". I shouted. My baby came back.
He came towards me and jumped up on me wagging his tiny little tail. So excited to see his father after so long.
" My baby. I missed you so much !"
" Your mom asked me if I could pick Yeotan up and drop him off to you cause you weren't picking up her calls. So I brought him here." Jimin said looking at us admiringly.
" Ya... Thank you Jimina.. I missed him so much. I wish I could spend some more time with him, but we have to get going." I said dejected.
" Ummm.... How about this? Let's do one thing. Since the weather is so nice why don't you take Yeotan out for a walk?" Jimin asked his eyes full of spark.
" That would be great! But what how can I do that? The manager would come to know" I said.
" Ya you don't worry about the manager. I'll manage... I'll say something like... You're feeling under the weather or something like that. You just cover yourself up and get going now before he comes up. Okay?" He said.
" Really. That seems like a good idea. Thank you so much Jimina." I said giving him a big hug.
" Yeah yeah. I know I know I'm pretty awesome. Now go go... Get going now. Just try to avoid getting seen by the public ." He said patting my back.
" Yeah yeah I will." I said and got up to get ready.

After a while I got out of the building from the back door along with Yeotan and head straight to the park nearby. I thought it would be the safest place given the time. Not many people would be around since it's late and almost it's closing time. So I headed to the park.
The weather just as I had imagined was wonderful. The cool spring breeze and the fragrance of the cherry blossoms mixed along with it hit me. It felt so refreshing. The fresh air just sucked out all the exhaustion in me and my heart felt so much lighter and happier. Even Yeotan was so happy. He was literally skipping around happily. He looked so cute.

We reached a road which was lined by cherry blossom trees on either sides, and the petals fallen down filling the road all over. Yeotan got so happy looking at the beautiful road that he started jumping up and down.
" It looks beautiful isn't it Yeotan? Do you want to play around here?" I asked Yeotan smiling at him.
" Bow bow!" He barked happily jumping up and down indicating that he wants to play around here.

I smiled at him and took his leash off so that he can play around freely. The moment I did that he bolted really fast that it was hard for me to catch up.
Man his tiny legs really can run.

At some distance I could see faintly a big pit, I guess made to dump fallen leaves and Yeotan was approaching towards it.
I called after him so many times but in vain he just didn't stop. I couldn't catch up to him was really far away.
Then I saw at distance a small figure in white approaching Yeotan. The more it came closer , the image became clearer. Suddenly my heart started beating faster, I don't know if it was because I was scared or it was something else but it felt a little different, weird even.
The image has now become clear, It was a girl. And she was running towards Yeotan trying to save him. Just in the nick of time she managed to pick him up preventing him from falling into the ditch.
I took a sigh of relief. It took a while for me to catch my breath but that weird unfamiliar feeling still remained.
I went towards her and Yeotan and then I saw her. Her eyes were sparkling and looked radiant. She was making cute faces while talking to Yeotan. She didn't look like she's from here. I was surprised that there was someone here at this time.
" Where's your father Yeotan?" She asked Yeotan in a very sweet voice.
" I'm his father." I said while approaching her and Yeotan.
Her face went blank as soon as she saw me.
" Oh... I'm sorry. He was going to fall down into the pit so I had to pick him up." She said.
" No no. It's okay. Thank you so much for saving Yeotan." I said thanking her.
We chatted for a while. And then I asked her
" What are you doing here at this time?"
The she explained how she has gotten lost and ended up here.
I helped her out with the address to her hotel and how she can get out of here when suddenly
Mr. Naughty Yeotan decided to pull my mask down.
My heart stopped for a minute thinking now this is going to lead to another debacle and be all over the internet tomorrow.
Her eyebrows frowned together and she pursed her lips together looking rather confused as she saw my face like she was still identifying me. Then all the lines faded and her eyes popped out.
" Ohh Ohhh! You're that V from BTS." She said.
Damn! I thought I'm done for now. Now this girl is going to start squealing and screaming and draw attention over here. That's when I heard a bunch of people approaching behind us. That's it. I'm done for here. I thought I'll ask her if she's an army too and just bribe her with a selfie and get her to quite down.
" So you're an Army too?" I asked hoping she would scream.
" No no no.... But it's not like I'm living under a rock! You guys are everywhere." She said
I felt like I had not blinked in the last 3 mins. I was just waiting for the worst.
She looked at my weird uncomfortable face first and then she looked behind me.
" Don't worry. I won't squeal or scream here. You don't need to be scared. I can understand how difficult it is for you guys to step outside. Your secret is safe with me." She said reassuring me.
I left out a sigh of relief. Felt really happy and impressed how mature and understanding this girl is.
" Thank you for understanding ! Are you sure you don't want a selfie?" I asked jokingly trying to lighten up the aura
" No thank you. I guess I'll do fine without it." She said blankly as if she was done with this.
I gave her further instructions and she thanked me we said our goodbyes and she left.

After she left, I went and sat on the bench next to me. I laid back on it , looking up at the canopy thinking about how sweet it was of the girl to save Yeotan and to appreciate my privacy and not create a scene here. I felt really warm after meeting her. Her kindness radiated warmth. I wish everybody was like her and appreciate our privacy then I'd be able to step out in the public freely. Just as I was engrossed in my thoughts my hand hit something. As I looked down on what it hit I saw it was a phone.
A phone with a lilac cover.
I picked it up and tried to switch it on so I could see who the owner of the phone is, but it didn't switch on, it was dead. Then I remembered that this must be the girl's phone. She said her phone's dead. What was her name? Oh God. I forgot to ask her name. She is a tourist over here on top of that. Her family must be trying to contact her. She might be so worried. I should just take this and go get it charged and return it to her.
I took the phone and left the park back to the dorm.

I Found You When I Was LostTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon