Chapter 22

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"Love is set to music." 

- Jackson Pollock

Asher POV

"Get the fuck up!"

Groaning I cover my eyes from the brightness of the room with my arm, my head is throbbing and I feel a weight pressed against me that's making me hot and sweaty.

Blinking my eyes I see Shaun, my best friend near the bed.

"Did you just fucking kick me?" I groan out, holding my head as it throbs.

My fucking head is breaking in two, how much did I drink last night? I go to sit up and that is when I notice a woman with long blond hair laying on me with her arm draped over my chest, I look under the covers and we're both naked.

Shit shit shit shit, fuck!

I move her off me and grip my head in my hand. "What time is it?" I ask Shaun, who looked at me annoyed. I ignore his stare and rub my forehead.

"7 AM."

I furrow my brows and look up at him, did he just say 7 in the fucking morning? "What the fuck." I groan out and get off the bed. "This better be fucking good to wake me up at 7."

I need water, where's the water? "What do you want?" I shove past him and head for the bathroom, almost losing my step from the two people laid on the floor naked, surrounded by pillows and alcohol.

I could care less who these people were right now, it's 7 in the fucking morning and my head is splitting in two, and it doesn't help with Shaun as my shadow following me into the bathroom.

"You're a fucking mess mate, who are these people? Do you even know who they are Asher? Or have you stopped giving a shit about everything now?" He starts ranting and I roll my eyes.

I want to laugh, but my head hurts too much to do it. I open the toilet seat and start pissing, not giving a shit is Shaun is standing there watching me butt-ass naked. I don't need his fucking judgement on my life right now, nor for the past four weeks either, I've had enough of him telling me his opinion.

There is nothing he can say that will help me, nobody can help me.

I flush the toilet and stumble past him, noticing that my bedroom is filled with people I don't know, with three women in my bed and a few on the floor surrounded by pills and empty bottles.

Shit, what did I do last night? "You're spiralling out of control Asher, you need to get help."

I grab a shirt and some boxers and put them on with a snort, help? I laugh. "What are you, my fucking mum? Piss off Shaun, don't judge me for having a good time." I say roughly, I'm starting to get angry with him telling me what to do.

Shaun looks hurt but doesn't back down. "Do you even know what you did last night? You're in the news again Asher, seriously you are going to ruin your career if you ke-"

"SHUT UP!" I shout out, causing some people in the room to stir awake. 

I grip my hair tightly. "Do you think I give a shit?" I laugh out tightly as I walk over to the table.

Ah, there it is, my happy place, I take a random pill from the table and grab a half drank bottle of beer. "I'm happy, look, don't I look fucking happy?" I say grinning, taking the pill and downing it with the bottle.

Shaun goes to open his mouth but I speak first. "Now fuck off, I got shit to do." I grunt out, dropping the bottle onto the floor and making my way back to my bed.

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