Chapter 13

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"Wake up, live your life and sing the melody of your soul." 

– Amit Ray

Hailey POV

I wake in the comfiest bed I have ever laid my butt on, and I can honestly say I have never slept so good in years before.

The sound of the waves from the room made me sleep faster than I had expected last night, waking up to the same sounds has never made me feel so good and wake up in a great mood before, it takes me a second to actually process where I am and who I'm on the island with.

I'm on an island with Asher, in the Bahamas.

This seems almost insane.

The room is gorgeous, everything is beautiful is perfectly well made for my arrival, Asher must've made some adjustments for me because I can see there are products already here for me with a note that has my name on to use whatever I want in this room.

I can't believe Asher would bring me here, the fact he said this island was special to him makes me think that our.. relationship is getting serious, and for him to openly invite me here means that he wants something to happen.

He has mentioned multiple times he wants to see where this goes...

I grab my phone from the nightstand and see that's it's currently 9 AM in the morning, and I can't believe I slept this long, I can't remember the last time I actually slept so late, I always had to wake up early for class or work.

I wonder if Asher is awake? 

The thought of spending four days with him makes me all giddy inside, like a girl on Christmas but Asher is the gift I didn't ask for but want.

It scares me, how close we are getting, it wasn't that long ago that my heart was completely broken by a man I trusted, who I thought I had a future with... But something inside me tells me that Asher is not going to hurt me.

But I have been wrong before, many times in fact.

There's no need in overthinking anything, I want to enjoy the time I have with Asher and get to know him, after all, I owe him and myself a chance to move on and be happy, right?

I get out of bed and open my suitcase, taking the first dress I see and slipping it on before I open the door to the hall, Asher's door is closed so I don't know if he's still asleep or awake, but I hear someone moving around in the kitchen and the smell of eggs and bacon is filling the air and making my belly rumble.

I follow the amazing smell and what I see has me drooling, and not for food.

Asher stands to his back facing me with only swim shorts on, his hair is wet and he's frying up food on the stove. I have never noticed until now but his back is filled with beautiful black ink tattoos, not just his arms, legs and hands, I don't have enough time to properly admire and figure out what is tattooed on his back as Asher turns and grins at me.

"Morning, I made breakfast." He says with a handsome smile.

Why is he so handsome without even trying? I haven't even brushed my hair yet so I know I look like a crazy witch right now.

I walk to the seat near the kitchen and sit. "Morning, this smells amazing." I say looking down at the food hungrily.

"You didn't need to do this." I smile up at him and he shrugs.

He puts food onto my plate and puts the plate in front of me, he grabs his own and comes to sit next to me. "Nah I wanted to, this is a chance for you to taste my good old British breakfast fry up." He chuckles huskily.

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