Chapter 5

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"Music is the tool to express life – and all that makes a difference." 

– Herbie Hancock

Hailey POV

I watch as a bunch of people I have never seen in my life before, drag Asher away and into the sea of people who are curiously trying to get a look at what is going on, or maybe it's just simply because Asher was here.

Nobody is focusing on me so I slip push past the sea of people that are too focused on screaming Ashers name, I ignore how tight my chest feels from how uncomfortable this situation is right now, I thought he was half-joking about being some big singer guy, but from the look of the sea of people that have crowded in this small hallway, id says he is a pretty big deal.

Asher Reed... I honestly have no idea who he is, which I could tell bummed him out, I'm not exactly very musical... I wasn't lying when I told him I don't listen to music unless it's on the radio or in a bar or club, I don't exactly have time to enjoy anything at all in my life, I was always juggling my job and my coursework, there wasn't time for anything else.

Talking to Asher was surprisingly nice though... I won't lie, I was completely terrified he was going to assault me, he's certainly taller than me and bigger in build, like.. really bigger when the lights turned on I was totally shocked.

He's quite possibly the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on, he was slightly tan from the sun from what I could see under his cap, he has beautiful dark green eyes that seemed gentle to me, I still remember them looking at me when the lights turned on, it felt like the world had stopped around us, or perhaps it only happens for me and I freaked him out from shamefully staring at him for so long?

His hair was short and dark brown, his eyebrows were thick but perfectly styled, he has a slight stubble but if anything, it made his eyes stand out more than I hate to admit it, I don't think I've ever seen a guy look so much better looking than any girl or guy I have ever seen before, he beats Austin by a mile in the looks and body department, if I had to compare the two of them together, Asher would look like a man and Austin would look like a boy standing next to him.

I make it to my room, room 410 and the noise within the hallway has begun to die down and people are beginning to walk away, most likely following behind Asher and the people who had dragged him away.

I hope he doesn't miss his concert, he didn't seem that stressed about it but the woman who dragged him away seemed very upset about him vanishing, although it was hardly his fault and there was nothing he could have done about it, I wasn't exactly expecting the power to go out, neither was he.

That reminds me... I gave him my name but not my answer to hanging out with him, which I honestly think was a joke or just him being friendly, he seems like a really nice guy and I have a feeling he just felt bad for me, I know most people would feel bad hearing something like 'yeah, my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend' after I had told him I instantly regretted it.

I didn't come here on impulse to pour my feelings out to the first person that is nice to me.

I feel like such a failure, and a loser, I can't believe I told him anything at all, but he was just so easy to speak to, which surprised me, I thought all famous people were all high and mighty, uninterested in normal people, and honestly, if he never mentioned what he did for work, he would come off as just a regular guy, who happens to be incredibly handsome and out of my league.

It's 6 PM and I'm beyond exhausted, dropping my bag in the corner of the room I look around and admire how beautiful the room is, I have a clear view of Portland from my window and it's probably worth the money I spent on this room, I mean, hopefully, I didn't look at the price, so I'm taking it the view is a good sign.

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