Chapter 1

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"Music expresses feeling and thought, without language; it was below and before speech, and it above and beyond all words."

- Robert G. ingersoll

Hailey POV

As I swept my way past the tables, I headed straight for my table to deliver their order, it had been quite busy today because of the new special on the menu, now the owner of the restaurant hated this dish with a passion, he hated the linger of the smell each time he cooked it, it was a smoked fish steak and ever since his wife had introduced the dish, it seems even after her passing he couldn't bear the thought of taking it off the menu, so he kept it on to honor her memory and love of fish.

Even if it did stink up the kitchen in the back of the restaurant, every time someone ordered the special dish, the owner would smile because, it reminded him of her, and to see that much love and adoration of one man's face makes you curious as to when you will find someone who loves you like the owner loves his wife.

I made it to my table and lower plates in front of the couple, they had both ordered the fish steak. "Here you are, would you like more drinks?" I ask, and the two couple that seems to be fairly new to each other, smile appreciatively at me and shake their heads and say 'no thank you' than talk amongst themselves as I smile back then make my way to the kitchen.

My feet are killing me, I've been here since 3 and it's now 8, I was supposed to finish at 7 but we've been so swamped with people, and considering it's Valentines, we have a lot more couples in here than our normal customers, stuffy businessmen with their mistresses or business partners, it's a nice feel for a chance to see happy couples come through the doors and have fun in each others company.

The kitchen is in full swing and Ivan, the owner and head chef looks relieved to see me as I walk into the kitchen, everyone in the kitchen has been here for hours and since opening, they've been rushed off their feet, Valentine's day is one of the busiest times of the year for Ivan & Ivvy's restaurant. 

"Why are you still here? I thought I told you to leave at 7." Ivan says. The frown on his face says he is disappointed but the appreciative look in his eyes is thankful I stuck around to help out.

"It's fine, really, I'm just happy to help Ivan."

"No plans with your boyfriend? I would've thought Mr pretty would at least take you to dinner."

I shake my head and sit on the stool in front of him as he cooks. "He said something important came up and he couldn't make it so, I might as well stick around here then be by myself."

"That boy." Ivan says disappointed and I smile, watching as he cooks under the flaming fire, flipping the fish on the pan as the fire roars above the pan.

"Where's the salt!? Guys stop moving my salt or so help me I will turn you all into smoked fish!" Ivan says, gritting his teeth.

"Uh, it's beside you Ivan." I point to the salt to his left and he smiles apologetically behind him to his chefs, to which they just laugh and continue to prep food for the hungry customers.

"You should head off Hailey, surprise that boyfriend of yours." Ivan says and I think about it, it's completely hectic out there, I don't want to leave him, one waiter, down.

"I can't leave, not when yo-"

"I can fire you Hailey, you need to take a break once in a while, go get out of my kitchen and enjoy what's left of Valentine's day." He says, chopping garlic as he nods towards the back door.

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