「 21; Taste 」

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"Sunoo are you sure you don't have any left?"

"yes yes, why not ask Jungwon if he has some"

"I already did and he said he doesn't buy them that much"

"damn what a brave boy. what about buying them?"

"it's closed and it's far. now I'll hang up now, I'm going to try and find a solution.."

Jake then hung up on Sunoo before he could even say goodbye. What friendship they have there. He then heard the door opening revealing someone he shouldn't see right now.

"Jake, why weren't y─"

"Sunghoon leave"

This caused the younger to be dumbfounded. He was worried about him since he didn't went out of the room the whole day.

"hoon please leave"

"i won't"

The older flashed his scarlet orbs to him indicating that he's soon going to take a dangerous risk. But the stubbornness in Sunghoon didn't listen.

Seeing that Jaeyun started sweating, he had a hint. The boy found a small blade in the room and draw it against his skin. He glanced at the vampire while he tried to endure the pain.

"don't blame me after this hoon, you started it"

In a second, he got a hold of his wrist and started to drink from it. Sunghoon didn't feel any bites yet. Jake let it drip down for now.

Sensing that there's no liquid flowing out, he moved away from his wrist. Looking at him, hands on his shoulders, the older leaned Sunghoon by the wall. The younger didn't really mind, he got used to it already.

Because of his burning throat and his longing for more, Jaeyun couldn't ask for consent first. He harshly bit Sunghoon on the neck, sinking his fangs in the process. It was an odd feeling for the younger as it was the first time the other did this. It's like his canines were growing longer and longer. The aching feeling was mostly present but there's another he couldn't tell.

Time is passing by and the vampire still hasn't stopped. His neck is about to go numb if he'll continue.

"jake i think that's enough.."

He won't listen.

"please stop.."

He's ignoring him.

"I'll pass out.."

Regaining a bit of consciousness, Jake retracted his teeth from his skin, licking what's left on the mark. Sunghoon could finally breath properly and loosen up for a moment.

The vampire couldn't think straight and gripped Sunghoon's chin, placing his lips on his.

This caught the human off guard. His stomach was tied up and his heart pounding quickly. He can taste a bit of his own blood from the other's lips. Sunghoon just stood there, dumbfounded. He didn't know if he should respond to the action or not.

Jake then parted away and passed out onto Sunghoon's arms. The younger was still processing what just happened which felt like a fever dream.

"he kissed me..."


── uhm... progress i guess?

✓ 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 | 𝐣𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now