「 01; Unfamiliar 」

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"You're finally awake."

"huh, who are you?"

The unknown man walked towards the other who's still on the bed. He didn't know where he was at the moment as the surroundings around him seems unfamiliar.

"don't you remember yesterday?"

"uhh no I dont.."

"you were looking for somewhere to stay so I invited you in, I assume you were sleepy that night since it was already very late."

The other just listened still can't recall anything. Although he knows that his goal was to find somewhere to stay after moving out from his parent's home. He just graduated from college and has enough budget from his family.

"then thank you?"

"my pleasure"

"I'm Park Sunghoon"

"Sim Jaeyun, call me Jake"

Jake stood up to leave the room signifying the other to follow. Sunghoon hesitated a bit but he had no choice to take the opportunity and go.

"go on, it's not rotten"

The younger looked back at Jake then picked up the utensils take a bite out of the meal. It was actually delicious then taking a few more bites. The other looked satisfied watching Sunghoon happily eating his dish feeling a bit more comfortable.

After finishing their breakfast, Jake told the other to freshen up and luckily for Sunghoon, he had his bag full of his daily needs. He was suprised that it was in the room.

Walking out of the bathroom feeling new, but realization hits when he couldn't find his phone anywhere. He made his way to the living room trying to find for the other.

"Looking for this?"

Jake showed what it seems like the device Hoon was looking for. He quickly ran to him to try and grab it but the older waved it up in the air where he can't reach it.

"give me that it's mine!"

"how about no, I'll give it to you when the time comes and there's nothing you can do about it."

He whispered into his ear using an authoritative tone making Sunghoon shiver. He quickly gave up and sat on the couch sulking.

"there's not much stuff on your phone aside from these messages.."

"how did you unlock it??"

"a guy like me doesn't reveal his secrets.."


"before i forget, there's some things you should know while living here"

"I'm listening.."

"Don't go through my stuff or any other rooms in the house without my permission. The only ones you can go to are your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living room.

Second, don't make a mess of the building and don't invite people into this home.

Lastly, you will never go out of the house unless I tell you. Only I can have access to the outside. You can try and get out but trust me,

you'll never succeed."

Sunghoon just sat there dumbfounded at the rules and regulations Jake just said. It's like he was just trapped and has limited access to almost anything. He couldn't do nothing.

The older then left and Sunghoon just sighed turning on the television to cure his boredom.

"well damn am I a guest or someone who just got kidnapped."


── unusual start is it?

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