Chapter 48- Sixx's Kitten Comes Home Part II (Eric Singer Sixx POV)

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We've been home from the hospital for a few days. The quadruplets are doing well, my precious little miracles: Storm, Hope, Ruby & Decker. Lee & TC are still with us, they've been a huge help......and so has Frankie. We have baby monitors literally everywhere in our house, it's crazy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's the middle of the night, just got the quadruplets to sleep...again after changing their diapers. Nikki & I didn't dare ask Lee & his husband to help since they need rest too. Though TC I know would fuss that's what they are here for. I can't sleep though I need it, I find myself listening out for my babies, but I hear nothing...nothing except my husband's steady breathing and his heartbeat since my head is laying on his chest.... finally, I drift off......

I am woken up just two hours later by sounds of several little cries, it's still dark outside.... I groan quietly, Nikki is still asleep. I want him to sleep, he's been getting up every night with me even though I've protested.... Nikki can be a heavy sleeper...except when it comes to me...he will without fail wake up if I'm not there beside him. He's always told me it's because he can't sleep without me.... hmm, maybe if I slip carefully out of his hold.... I gently and slowly try to move but Nikki only pulls me tighter to him...he's done that in his sleep.... he's always done that. I hear his voice, in my ear....

"Do you really think you can be sneaky Eric? I figure the babies are awake...." Nikki pauses, "Yep awake. Let's go feed them and they may need diaper changes."

"Nikki, you've been up every night with me and them. I know your exhausted as much as I am..." I protest.

"Eric, Eric...I've told you. If your losing sleep so will I. Let's go my love." Nikki & I get out of bed and head to the nursery. Thankfully Lee & TC are asleep, I quickly peak in their room...

Once in the nursery.... Nikki and I are met with four crying children....

"Aw, it's's ok. Mommy and Daddy are here...oh my little miracles." I soothe them as I carefully pick up Ruby & Decker and Nikki picks up Storm & Hope and we put them on their changing tables.... Obviously, Nikki & I have become adept at changing and feeding two children each at the same time. Seems, Ruby pooped......Decker is dry, but both are changed anyway. Storm & Hope have both peed and need their outfits changed. That finally, done all four of them are not wailing anymore but are fussy. We put a mini-Fridge and a microwave in the nursery for heating the bottles up. We figured it was practical.

Then oh so carefully we feed our babies, who drink greedily. Nikki laughs, "They take after me in the eating department!"

"Hey, give me some credit too!" I protest but with a smile.

"You my love are addicted to sugar." Nikki grins while feeding Storm and Hope.

"And YOU are addicted to ME." I can't help but smirk. Nikki smirks back. Finally, the four of our babies are fed and then burped and then Nikki & I switch off: I get Storm & Hope, he gets Ruby & Decker, and we rock them gently. They are cooing at us, and I swear are talking to us in their own way. I decide to start singing 'Black Diamond'.... the four of them are mesmerized it seems by me singing and Nikki joins me. Gradually all four drift off & quietly we place them back in their cribs, making sure our children are safe & secure, kiss each of their little foreheads and head back to our bedroom.

Once under the covers, Nikki pulls me to him to where I am in his hold, but I can see his face, staring into his beautiful jade eyes, sure he's tired...but I see the love and awe in their depths. He stares at me lovingly...

"Eric, I can't tell you how much I love you. You just never cease to amaze me. I mean what you went thru giving birth and that you've suffered so much....and, and you are an amazing mother to our children...all five of them. I just fall more & more in love with you."

I can't help to start crying, I mean that was beautiful...HE is beautiful, "There's no one else I'd have done this for but YOU Nikki. No one else I would rather raise our children with. I feel the same way about you, you never cease to amaze me, the odds you've overcome, being by my side no matter what and you are an amazing father, and I am proud to be your husband."

Nikki gets misty himself, "Oh Kitten!" Then we kiss and as always its like the first time. After we part, I burrow into him, his strong arms as he spoons me. There is no better place to be than his arms.

"Maybe we should go to sleep Nikki." I whisper quietly. "I mean well they will be good though for more than two hours, I mean that's how they've been doing."

"Mmm, we should my love. But I want to cuddle for a bit." Nikki squeezes me gently.

"You give the best cuddles; I feel so safe and loved in your strong arms." I sigh contentedly.

"I could say the same about you." I hear the smile in Nikki's voice. Nothing more is said as we are both just happy to be in the moment together. The quadruplets will sleep for the rest of the night now. My little Christmas Miracles! "Kitten?"

"Mmm, yeah Sixxy?" I murmur.

"Love you."

"Love you too," I yawn hugely.

"Go to sleep Kitten." Nikki tells me quietly. Finally, I find myself drifting off...dreaming....

It seems a couple of years have passed, five to be exact. And Nikki & I are dancing together at what seems to be a wedding reception or to be more accurate: it seems we have renewed our vows. And I feel so nervous....

"Kitten? What's wrong? You're trembling." Nikki sounds so concerned.

I take a deep breath, "I have something to tell you...I'd went to the doctor's the other you know how I've been acting strange? But ya know I haven't gotten sick?" Nikki nods, but has this knowing look, "Well I found out we are having one last child...just the one. I'm pregnant."

I look down nervous of his reaction till I feel him tilt my chin up, eyes shiny with tears.... but there is a smile on his face, "Are you serious? How far along?"

"Yes, I am pregnant, one last baby my, I'm 6 weeks along. So far everything is healthy. It's been so long, years since our quadruplets were born...and I haven't been ill like I was with them...It took me longer to realize." I state softly.

"You make me so happy Eric; this baby will be amazing just as our other five children are." Nikki rubs my belly which just has a hint of roundness to it reverently. I find I can't agree with my husband more. 

A/N: Dreams or foreshadowing at the end? Oh I can't wait to hear what you guys think! Hope you enjoyed!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now