Chapter 37- Babies A, B, & C & D are.... (Nikki Sixx POV)

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The time Eric and I spent together a week with just the two of us started out fucking shitty, but we worked thru that, survived the storm and it ended up being the best week of our lives. Eric & I really needed the time together and I wanted to take care of my husband and so I did. He's still been able to eat and is slowly but surely gaining the weight he needs to. He tires so very easily, and I still am very much worried about the strain this is having on his body. The fact that he's going thru SO much carrying our babies and suffering so very much for me.... I've never ever had anyone do such a thing for me, truly he is my one...truly. Eric has told me so many times, that he'd do anything for me, even that which I don't want to think about but dread with a vengeance: him not making it thru the birth.... if I lost him.... I can't even think of it.

The week we spent together just him and I and our unborn babies, was sorely needed as I have said and too, we called Frankie every chance we could, she missed us so much.

A couple of weeks have passed since mine and Eric's 'Babymoon' if you will and now, he's Five months pregnant, he's doing so well.... he's the strongest person I know. He's been on bed rest since last month, no more than 30 min to an hour of being on his feet and hours of rest in between. Things have gotten better in terms of us arguing, Eric has mood swings sure...but it all works out and our relationship has gotten even stronger as has our love.

Currently, Eric is laying on the couch talking with Frankie as I fix lunch and I hear a lot of giggles and Eric's deeper but warm laugh echoing and it warms my heart to hear my husband be so upbeat. Today is also the day we find out what the quadruplets are, but his appointment is not until later and we have plenty of time.

I'm surprising Eric by fixing spaghetti Bolognese, which Eric told me he's been having a serious craving for. Finally, everything's ready and I bring out a big portion to Eric as well as some for me & Frankie. Eric sniffs the air appreciatively.

"Oh Sixxy! Oooh, that smells so good! Is that what I think it is?!"

I nod with a huge smile on my face," Sure is Kitten! Spaghetti Bolognese.... you've had such a serious craving and so I made it for you." I sit down next to him and hand him the bowl and kiss him before he starts to eat. Then I take a bowl and hand Frankie hers.

"At least I have a built-in table tray!", Eric jokes pointing a fork at his very well swollen belly making me snort in laughter.

We all start eating and Eric moaning apperciatebly in delight and not sorry to say his moans were turning me on.

"So, what do you think we're having?", I ask Eric who pauses and puts his fork back down in his bowl.

"Hmm, I don't know. A girl or two, or...well I just want them to be healthy. Really that's all that matters.", Eric's eyes are bright.

Lunch is finally finished, and I wash dishes and with Frankie's help, she insisted. Then it was time to get ready for Eric's appointment, so I carefully helped him upstairs and helped him take a shower and he decided he wanted to pull his hair back into a messy bun and I dressed him in some jeans that fit around his baby bump and a t-shirt and soon we were all ready to go.

I helped Eric in the car first and then made sure Frankie was secure and we were off.

"Can we listen to some music daddy? Ooh, the classic rock channel!", Frankie enthusiastically says.

"Sure, we can sweetheart!" And I turn it to the station of which she speaks and share a glance with Eric as A Motley song starts playing 'Live Wire' I can't help but smirk.

"Well, the babies are really loving this! Hey! How come they like your band better?", Eric pouts but the corners of his lips quiver with suppressed laughter.

"Aw, did I make kitty 'hiss'?", My tone highly amused.

"Shut it Sixxy...", My husband quips good naturedly. Before I know it, we are back in an ultra-sound room and got all the preliminary stuff done during which Eric grumbled about having his weight taken.

We get started and first hear four little rapid but strong heartbeats and there is NO BETTER music on earth than this. The Doctor moves the wand back and forth over Eric's very well swollen belly and smiles. Thank God, FINALLY the doctor smiling for a change.

"I know you all are eager to see what your having!" With that the monitor is turned towards us and.... our jaws collectively drop as the doctor points out each baby in turn...., "Well now it looks like Baby A is a girl, Baby B is a girl, Baby C is a girl and last but not least...Baby D, is a boy!"

Eric bursts into tears and I cry too, but tears of joy. This is...amazing!

"Oh Sixxy!! Three little girls and a boy too! 3 daughters and a son! So that means four daughters in total and a son.... I am so happy!" Eric cries and I am very much overwhelmed with happiness.

"Everything looks healthy, but (and here the doctor frowns and I am gripped by fear) be aware Mr. Sixx that Eric is under tremendous strain physically and we will have to schedule a C-section as he will not be able to give birth the natural way.... Your four babies will have to be taken out at 7 months, so two months from now....". My heart drops.... we have no choice, but still so early. Once again, I am gripped by fear, hearing the doctor indicate that Eric is at great risk of not making it thru the surgery and the babies may.... god I can't think of that! The babies I feel will somehow, someway make it.... but my husband.... I can't fathom life without him.

We leave the doctor's office sobered and there is a heavy silence in the car and tears silently stream down Eric's face.

"Nikki? I-I'm so scared.... the babies.... our little girls and our son...I want you to promise me something. If anything happens to me when they do the C-section, I want you to name them and promise you'll never leave me. Please..." Eric's tone is tearful and desperate, and I pull over, cut the engine and unbuckle and take his face in my hands voice quivering...

"I know, Kitten...I am scared too for you and our babies.... but I will always, always be beside you no matter what. I promise I will not leave you when you give birth and I promise if anything happens, I'll do as you ask. You're risking your life for ME...It will be ok my will!" and I bring him into a tearful kiss, and I hear sniffling from the backseat and Frankie is crying clutching Ocean like a lifeline.... My husband's life, my children's lives hang in the balance or will.... I hope though that despite what the doctor said that it doesn't happen.... I hope.

Life changes in an one visit joy and the potential implication of the inevitable, losing Eric...losing.... I can't say more, but all I know.... There will never as long as I live be another for me, ever. Eric, my beloved is it. Why does fear and the thought of sorrow have to go hand in hand with joy? Still, despite everything I am to get started on the nursery.


Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu